Day: May 14, 2019

Turn-It-In Workshop May 16, 3:15 pm Room D240

I will be presenting a Turn-It-In quickstart and pro tips workshop on Thursday, May 16. You will be happy to learn how to create an assignment so that resubmitting a paper does not result in it looking 100% plagiarized!

Facility Notice

Blue lighting and sound system integration test with whole buildings for EY project,

May 15th (Wed) from 4:30pm to 6:30pm .

Thanks for your understanding.

Facility Department

Bake Sale

Ms. Lisa’s advisory is having a bake sale on May 15th in front of library foyer. All the profit made from this bake sale will be donated to PFRANG charity!! Please bring some money to enjoy the delicious bakery! Cash and We chat pay is both welcomed! (This bake sale is our Service and Learning project)

Need Creativity?

Need a creativity experience?

We are looking for 1 student to help.

Please stop by the Activities Office to see Mr Clarke or Ms Anna

NIS Student Community Bank – for all your Service as Action start up costs

Good morning everyone, we are from the NIS Student Community Bank (NSCB). How is your service activity going? Do you need any initial money to start up your project? Don’t worry. We are here to help you.

This year, we are running a banking project where you can borrow money to start up your Service as Action. The only thing you need to do is to fill in the application form. Then, we will assess your application based on how you wrote in the application form and consider if you can have a loan and how much. The interest will be low and will be based on the level of risk.

How to apply?

Step 1: Discuss with your group whether to borrow a loan and how much

Step 2: Follow the link below and fill in the application form

Application Form Link: APPLICATION FORM

Step 3: Submit your application form

Step 4: Wait for the banking team to assess your application form (You will get an email from us when the decision is made)

Please think carefully and if you want to borrow money, feel free to contact us.

The NSCB Team: Jumin, Seoyeon, Junsung, Junsuk, Takita

ManageBac Deadlines

Please ensure your ManageBac entries are all up to date before the DEADLINE.

A completed entry has:

-grade before the title of the experience

-volunteering or Service as Action selected

-description (who, what, where, when, why) with smart goal

-reflections (facts, feelings, findings, future)


-ONE learning outcome (different one each time)

In addition, Gr10 and G11s must have:


-a balance of strands

-a variety of learning outcomes

The ManageBac deadlines are at 9pm (Beijing time):

Grade 11 – May 17th

Grade 10 – May 22nd

Grade 9 – May 24th

Grade 8 – May 27th

Grade 6 – June 3rd

Grade 7 – June 6th

There are other requirements, please ask your advisory teacher or come by the Activities Office if you have questions or puzzles.
