Month: May 2019

House Spelling Competition

House Spelling Competition
On Friday during extended advisory, we have scheduled the House Spelling competition. It would be great if we could meet in the same rooms as our last trivia challenge. Please let me know if there are any changes necessary.

6-8 Advisory
Advisories Location
Ms. terBorg Ms. Kuan Mr. Madlinski Upstairs Design Centre
Mr Dutton Mr Baker Mr Stevens Green Gym
Mr Synder Mr Lee Ms. S Wang Mr Snyder’s Room
Mr Bahilo Mr Winstanley Ms. Johnson Mr Winstanley’s Room
Mr. Warwick Ms. Seiguneur Mrs. Merrylees Mr. Warwick’s Room
9-10 Advisory
Advisories Location
Ms. Law Ms. Fox Mr. Orteza Ms Law’s Room
Ms. Chen Mr. Hammond Ms. L Wang Mr Hammond’s Room
Mr. Chesterman Mr Fischl Ms. Zhang Mr. Chesterman’s room
11-12 Advisory
Advisories Location
Mr Newman Mr Hornell Mr Leitz Mr Hornell’s Room
Mr Kay Ms Moen Mr Coad Ms. Moen’s Room
Ms Lenk Ms Crème Ms Ryan Ms Crème’s Room

• The House Spelling Competition will take place on Friday May 17 during extended advisory.
• A PowerPoint presentation will be shared to run the competition. Audio is needed to hear the words. There are 20 words to spell.
• Like the House Trivia competition, 3 advisories will meet in one room, one from each House.
• If possible, each advisory should create 3 more or less even sized mixed gender teams – so there are 9 teams in each room.
• Nominate up to 3 student markers, to assist in scoring
• If possible, mini whiteboards should be used for each team to spell each word. If mini whiteboards are not available, scrap paper can be used.
• No technology is permitted for students during the competition.
• Run the presentation as a slide show, allowing time for teams to spell each word. Teams should hold up their spelling towards the front so the markers can see if they are correct or not. It is either right or wrong. Correct each word as you go, keeping score on the scoresheet provided.
• When finished, add the total scores for each team, the highest scoring house wins, next highest second and then third.
• If there are unequal numbers of teams for each house, average the results to determine the winner. Each room needs to determine which house is 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
• Send your 1st, 2nd and 3rd Houses to Mr. Chesterman when completed.

Thank you for your support.

Bake Sale

Ms. Lisa’s advisory is having a bake sale on May 15th in front of library foyer. All the profit made from this bake sale will be donated to PFRANG charity!! Please bring some money to enjoy the delicious bakery! Cash and We chat pay is both welcomed! (This bake sale is our Service and Learning project)


Shelia wants your OLD T-SHIRTS! She is hoping to use them for her PYP Exhibition ACTION.

Any size. Any colour. If you have some, please drop in the box near the door to Grade 5 corridor.

Thank you!

Bake sale

Ms. Lisa’s advisory is having a bake sale on May 15th in front of library foyer. All the profit made from this bake sale will be donated to PFRANG charity!! Please bring some money to enjoy the delicious bakery! Cash and We chat pay is both welcomed! (This bake sale is our Service and Learning project)

WANTED – for PYP Exhibition!

Shelia wants your OLD T-SHIRTS! She is hoping to use them for her ACTION.

Any size. Any colour. If you have some, please drop in the box near the door to Grade 5 corridor.

Thank you!

Good luck to our ACAMIS Track & Field Athletes

ACAMIS Track & Field is on Friday and Saturday. We have 21 athletes travelling to Beijing today to compete. We wish them speed, endurance and strength as they represent NIS. You can keep up to date with results through the Team Manager App. Go to the App store and download this app:

Informal Strategy Drop-In

Do you have a question about Strategy at NIS?

Or, do you have an idea you would like to share?

Why not join us for a 30 minute informal chat:

Thursday, May 16th
Hope to see you there.

 1st Ever Open Gym Night at NIS

Grade 9s and 10s come hang out next Friday, May 17, in the Green Gym, for the first ever Open Gym Night in NIS history!
Have fun, play games and jam to your favorite music. Snacks and drinks will be provided by PTA. And best part…’s a FREE event! No ticket necessary.
GATHER your friends and go to the  MS Large Group Room to write your names the SIGN-UP SHEET.