PechaKucha or Pecha Kucha is a presentation style in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each. The format, which keeps presentations concise and fast-paced, powers multiple-speaker events called PechaKucha Nights.
A reminder that time-honored community tradition at NIS, Pecha Kucha makes its triumphant return November 23, at 7pm. If you or someone you know would like to present an idealistic idea, tell a sumptuous story, or recite a poem you created about your most favorite thing in the whole world with 20 images at 20 seconds a piece, please contact
If you are considering giving Pecha Kucha a go, but aren’t sure yet, please have a chat with veteran NIS PK’ers Ruth, Luiz, Laurie, Amy, Kasson, Rick, or Bob. We’ll all tell you to go for it!