Day: April 29, 2020

Leaving staff – reminder about returning library books etc

Dear Leaving Staff and Families

I know that mid June seems ages away, but maybe some of you are thinking about having a sort out over the long weekend.

This is a chance to check that you have no library books  lurking on your shelves that need to be returned.

Any other questions about Clearance and Transfer Procedures for your children –  stop by Admissions or see the info on the Parent’s Portal of the website.

Thanks  and enjoy your May Day break.

From Sue in Admissions & the Library Ladies


Charity May step challenge -join up now !

All our nominated school charities are suffering without the chance for fundraising amongst our generous and supportive community. This is a great way to make a difference, and you get fitter as an added bonus!

Please sign up now – it starts on Friday 1st for the whole month of May.

There are more details on the board in the Staff Room.

For more info see the Staff WeChat, Sue in Admissions or send an email to:

Go on – sign up now – it’s  all for a good cause!



Assistant sports coaching positions available for 2020-21

It is the time of year that we put in place our sports coaching team for next school year. We have a few vacancies for assistant coaches. The assistant coach position fulfils your obligation to run an after school activity or club, it comes with a small stipend and requires you to help at practice sessions 2 times a week (for about 6 – 10 weeks) plus at least one overnight travel with the team. If you think you might be interested, please speak to me to find out more.