Day: August 19, 2020

Hot weather Protocol at NIS

Dear All,

Please note the the hot weather is applies to all students now. Please let your student know about it and let your students know where they could go for hot weather indoor lunch recesses.

Hot Weather Protocol at NIS

Where can PS student go during indoor hot weather break.

Lunch 1 :PS eating in the Cafeteria

Lunch 2: Library , G3-5 Green Gym ,All Classrooms

Where can MS/US student go during indoor hot weather break.

Lunch 1:Gaming room, Gyms, Second floor of Cafeteria (Tech free), G11-G12 may use the center CAFÉ, Library

Lunch 2: Second floor of Cafeteria (Tech free), G11-G12 may use the center CAFÉ, Library, Gaming room (only opens for the hot weather indoor break)



Category student

X-Block, Friday, Block 3 Locations

Block 3 on Friday, Grade 6 X-Block students meet in the Large Group Room where you will be met by our fabulous grade 7 & 8 Ambassadors and taken to your new locations ready to start planning your next steps. Thank you to Bryce, Julia, Kayla, Kijana, Eric and Rosy.

Grade 7 & 8 move normally to your x-block locations

Science/Cooking – Science Lab

Design.Service.Tech – Design centre

Sport – Gym

Art/Craft – Art

Computers/No idea and special projects – D247

Make sure you contact your mentor.

Kindest regards,

Sarah Merrylees

Middle School Teacher

Cross Country sign ups are open

Our fantastic Cross Country running program starts on Tuesday 25th August (next week). All students from Grade 4 – 12 are strongly encouraged to come out and give it a go, even if they have never done any running before, all levels of runner are welcomed. We have 2 sessions per week. The Tuesday session is on campus while the Thursday session will be in a local park where the athletes get the opportunity to practice on different terrains. If we are able to travel to the competitions, they will take place in Suzhou and Chengdu. Sign ups are now open on Veracross. Our amazing coaches are Mrs Bratton, Mr Lee and Ms Ge.

CAS Experience – Activity and Service

Join in Steptember! All you need to do is WALK 10,000 steps a day (activity)! 100 rmb registration fee. 10 rmb penalty fee for not achieving 10,000 steps per day. All proceeds to charity (service)

Auditions Today

Reminder that auditions for A Midsummer Night’s Dream begin today. 1:00pm in the Black Box. Good luck!

CAS Experience Activity & Service – Yangshan Park Run

This Saturday, August 22nd, join the Yangshan Park Run! A small registration fee of 20 rmb will be donated to charity (indirect service). You can run the 2k or the 5K (activity) You can even walk! Please stop by the Activities Office for help signing up.