Monday’s briefing minutes



Welcome to Luke Janicke (KH)

Luke is a pre-service teacher from Australia, and he will be working in the Mathematics department with Diane, Michael and Stephan. Welcome, Luke!

NEB pre-service teachers


Pre-service teachers in Maths and Science will be on campus this week. Please make them welcome when you see them.

Pfrang Gala (AR)

Pfrang was a huge success on Friday night. A huge thank you to everyone who came along, donated and supported the event.

Recruitment Update (LM)

Interviews are being had for the Head of Communications position, and they are starting for the Director of Technology post, too. We will be advertising for an MYP Humanities teacher, and the Deputy Head of Secondary role will be finalised by Friday.

Fire Drill (KB)

Tomorrow at 10am is the announced fire drill

Mid-autumn Festival (SN / SW)

The tickets to the mid-Autumn festival are on sale in the Centre Foyer from 10am – 12noon. The PTA has special permission to access campus during those times and students can purchase tickets from them at break. Pumpkins for the carving competition are RMB50. Thanks for supporting the event!

Birthday cake for October babies

Yum! Thanks to the Social Committee!

Alternatively, you can find all minutes in the OneNote here.