Day: December 2, 2020

2020 NIS Christmas Party Invitation

You are invited to the 2020 NIS Christmas Party on Thursday,17th December 2020 at The PAC.
Please refer to enclosed poster for details, and RSVP on the registration form in staff lounge by 10.30am on next Tuesday,08 December 2020.

2020 Xmas Party poster


Pfrang Giving Tree Card Sales


Share the holiday spirit with the Pfrang students by only donating 100RMB. Each donation gives one gift bag to Pfrang students.

Purchase by December 11th. If you have any questions, ask Grade 11 students Jonathan, Mas or Frank or Mr. Romero.


Two Great GOA Courses Coming Up!

Two exciting GOA courses are coming up after the Winter Break:

From Educator Designed to Co-Designed: “One of the goals of competency-based learning is to support student agency: students have voice and choice in what, when, where, and how they learn.” In this course we will interview students and use the data to a redesign a unit or lesson we currently teach to incorporate greater student choice and voice. How cool! This course runs January 25-29, 2021.

From Time Based to Performance Based: “The shift from entails rethinking time so that students can advance based on mastery of a skill rather than seat time. How might you design opportunities for reassessment and differentiation? How might you create more opportunities for student practice and self-reflection?” Underlying this element is the essential promise of CBL to fight systemic inequities by meeting students where they are. This is the very definition of inclusion! This course runs February 22-26, 2021.

It’s a two minute commitment to register by clicking the links above and a 2-3 hour commitment to complete each course. Both courses will have an optional, structured, on-campus debrief… with treats. How sweet it is! Join your 16 colleagues already registered for one or both courses.

G8 X-Share Tomorrow

Grade 8 XBlockers

Tomorrow is X-share which will be held in the Centre large group room on the third floor. Please go straight to the Centre at the end of recess with your fully charged laptop, any products that you want to share with your parents and your completed portfolio. Mrs Merrylees will be there to help you set up. Parents arrive from 11am.  Have a brilliant X-Share!