Day: March 11, 2021

Less Plastic Survey

Dear Teachers and Students,

I’m Adela in G9. This announcement is written for our Service as Action Project . We 10 students from Middle School just organized a new team called Less Plastic. Our aim is to reduce plastic waste in our school, NIS. We created a survey to collect information and data. Your help is much appreciated!

Kind regards,

Adela(Gayeon Sim)

ManageBac for Service/Volunteering in Grades 6-10

This is a gentle reminder that entering Service as Action or Volunteering experiences should be completed OUTSIDE of the Service Block. Advisory, extended Advisory as well as Office hours are great times to complete ManageBac entries. These are times I can pop in to help.


We made the same time-saving changes for Volunteering entries on ManageBac. The full PowerPoint will be emailed to you and your advisory teachers.

Grade 12 Photo Book…

Grade 12s….

Starting looking for your favorite (appropriate) photos. We will be collecting 20-30 photo per student to create your G12 Photo Book. Check your email today for more info.