Day: September 20, 2021

🔔🔔🔔Latest risk level alert(September 19) and official link for query of risk level🔔🔔🔔

By September 19, there were 4 high-risk areas, 21 medium-risk areas.
High Risk Area(4)
Putian City, Fujian Province (1)
Fengting Town, Xianyou County
Xiamen City, Fujian Province (3)
Enclosed area: To Huli Industrial Park in the east, to Tongming Road in the west, to Jian Road in the south, to  Jixian road in the north
Wutu community, Xinmin Town
Xitang community, Xinmin Town
Medium Risk Area (21)
Siming District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province (2)
Renan community, Zhonghua Subdistrict 
Fumanjiayuan compound, Housing community, Kaiyuan Subdistrict 
Tongan District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province (3)
Guantianyangyili, Xike Town
Wulu village, Xinmin Town
Ganling village, Xinmin Town
Xianyou County, Putian City, Fujian Province (12)
Houshen Village, Jiaowei Town;
Xiangling Village, Laidian Town;
Dapu Village, Yuanzhuang Town;
Bookeng village, Jiaowei Town;
Dingcuo natural village, Jintian village, Laidian town;
Building8, Fuliyuanshiting, Linan town; 
Xianan community, Linan town; 
Xipu community, Linan town;
Yuanzhuang middle school;
Xianzhu village, Duwei Town;
Fenglin village, Yuanzhuang Town;
Yuanzhuang community, Yuanzhuang Town
Quangang District, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province (3)
Dongqiu Village, Jieshan town;
Jiulin Village, Jieshan Town;
Dingfu natural village, Jieshan village, Jieshan Town
Taiwanese investment zones, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province (1)
Longfu Community
Overseas (except Macao) are still all high-risk areas.
Official Link:

全国现有4个高风险地区(涉及福建省莆田市、厦门市),21个中风险地区(涉及福建省莆田市、泉州市、漳州市 ):





福建省 厦门市 思明区( 2): 中华街道仁安社区部分区域;开元街道后江社区福满家园小区

福建省 厦门市 同安区(3):西柯镇官田洋一里;新民镇梧侣村;新民镇柑岭村



福建省 漳州市 台商投资区(1):福龙社区

Welcome to our September PLD @ NIS

We are looking forward to a thought-provoking and productive professional learning day. Coffee and tea will be served in the PAC from 8:00am, with our JEDI session led by Shelley and Jacinta starting at 8:15am. Please bring along your phones for activities that require scanning QR codes. Laptops should not be needed while we are in the PAC. Shelley and Jacinta have asked that table groups are mixed in terms of primary/secondary/role/tenure. We will have a simple way to facilitate this.


We will be in the PAC together for about 30 minutes. After that, the idea will be to transition to our own spaces and jump on this Zoom link with each of us on our own laptop. This session should finish around 10:15am when coffee/tea/treats will be on offer in the staff lounge. Section-specific meetings will follow, finishing at 12:00pm when lunch is served. An afternoon of more section-specific work is next, with a 3:00pm message from Laurie and an all-staff social in the PAC planned to wrap up the day.

Please see the section-specific schedules for more details and let us know what questions are out there.

Many thanks!