G9-11 ISTA + GCD experiences

Dear All,
We are mighty pleased to announce our partner online festival between the GCD Consortium and the ISTA Performing Arts Academy.
Spread over 3 weekends, it will be a multiverse (online) process filled with fun challenges exploring the concept of multi-identity and values to create ‘stories to save the world’ with a variety of drama and film techniques under the leadership of ISTA Artists.
Theatre and Music students grades 9-11 from all GCD schools. We’re looking for up to 10 students per school!
  • Come together, connect and create
  • Explore identity and what matters most
  • Racing against time, participants will collaborate creatively while developing strong connections
  • Find out what really matters to our young people and the world
Culminating International Film Premier
Sunday 29th May 18.30 (Hong Kong time)
At just GBP90 per student, this is not to be missed. You can use the ACAMIS subsidy if you haven’t already done so.
For more information, contact Ms Philips or Ms Anna