Our first day of NIS Art Sale was a huge success! We have collected 980RMB from the sale already. All proceeds from the sale will be divided and donated to the 4 charities that NIS supports.
If you have not yet visited the NIS Art Sale, please come tomorrow, Wednesday and/or Thursday (June 8-9) at Design Center during lunch time (12-1PM)!
New artworks will be on display so it is worth coming to visit a 2nd time.
The NIS Art Sale is organized by the awesome DP art students in G11 (in alphabetical order): Cici, Fay-Fay, Jihyun, Luna, Seohyeon, Sherry, Sophia. We would like to thank the following patrons for their support today: Ms. Sonya, Ms. Klyuk, Mr. Bratton, Mr. Shean, Mrs. Hornell, Ms. Maier, Jimmy, and Hansol.