Hi All,
Here is the Friday NAT test schedule.
G6 8:50-9:00
PKK1 9:00-9:10
K2 9:20-9:30
Hi All,
Here is the Friday NAT test schedule.
G6 8:50-9:00
PKK1 9:00-9:10
K2 9:20-9:30
Join Secondary Student Council!
Today in Extended Advisory students will learn how to join the Secondary Student Council. We would like to have at least one representative from each Advisory. If you are interested in being a part of Student Council, please complete this form. Student Council will meet weekly during Lunch 2 on Monday in Room D215. Please see Co-Presidents Melissa, Mariana and/or Ms. Beck with any questions you may have.
The ACCORD Magazine is making a special issue for NIS’s 30th year anniversary, which would be published on October 10th. We are gathering literary and non-literary works including creative short stories poems, artworks, and any works of art that you think are worth sharing with the community. We will select 10~12 best pieces to be included in this issue. This would be a perfect opportunity for you to share your creative, original, and outstanding work with the school community.
Also, if you are from grades 6 to 10, this could also count as a volunteering experience, and for grades 11 to 12, you can use this experience for the creativity strand if it not graded. These and other experiences can also be used as examples in your GCD stories. However, please bear in mind that some follow-up editing may be required.
Please submit your work through accordmagazine@nanjing-school.com before October 1st and name the document as Your name_Your grade_The title of your work (eg. Andy Zeng_Grade12_ACCORDSUBMISSION). If you are submitting artwork, please submit a high-quality photo of it, or you can bring your artwork to school to let us take the photo for you.
We look forward to your submissions!
ACCORD Magazine Club
Dear all,
Flu shots are coming.
School arranged session of flu shots service for staff will be available at Mai Gao Qiao Community Healthcare Center 迈皋桥社区卫生服务中心, about 20 mins driving distance (7km from NIS, transportation will be self-arranged).
Address: 华银路21-1号 Hua Yin Road No. 21-1
Time: Thursday, 29 September, 4pm-5pm
Please click the survey 2022 Flu Shot Registration to make registration by 3.00pm on Friday, 23 September. (Please read and understand Flu Shot Consent.)
For those who may miss the chance on next Thursday with NIS group, or you prefer to make your own reservation with other community hospital, please go through reimbursement process to fill in request form with attached invoice(Fapiao)accordingly.
Nurse Ellen