Day: January 10, 2023

Semester Two BTT ROTA

Morning All,

Please note that we will not reschedule the whole BTT roster for semester two. I will contact the people with who I made small adjustments this week and next.

Teachers are open to making swaps this week and next week until next Wednesday afternoon. Please email Zhangbo if you made a swap, and I will update them on the semester two BTT roster.
Thank you and have a nice day!

Paper Recycling

The Priceless Paper Service group have put green boxes for recycled paper near each printer across the school. We will collect them during Service blocks, shred the used paper and make them into new paper product.

We have a few extra boxes available. If you need one in your room, please let me know and I will arrange a student to deliver it to you. Thanks.

G6-12 Performers needed for CNY

Performers needed for CNY assembly, if you would like to perform at CNY Assembly, please make sure to come to the audition).

Students in G9-12 can count this as a GCD experience for Artistic Expression or Multilingualism (depends what you are performing.)

The audition will be held this Wednesday, January 11 at noon in the Large Music Room.

Contact Ms Keus or Jim, Andy or Eric in Grade 11 for more info.