Day: March 14, 2023

PS Athletics Day & Early Years Field Day – Coming Soon!

Dear Parents

Two exciting events are coming up at the end of March!

Athletics Day (Grades 2 to 5)

Thursday, March 30th | 10.30 to 2.30

Field Day (PreK to G1)

Friday, March 31st | 8.30 to 10.30 

We are very excited to have parents on campus to join the fun and cheer on our athletes.

Please save the date on you calendar and keep on the look out for more information in the coming weeks.

100 Volunteers needed!!!

We need up to 100 volunteers to help at the Invitational Football Tournament.

Who: Grades 6-10

What: Ball Collectors – run and collect balls that are kicked out of bounds, out of play.

Where: NIS

When: Saturday, March 25th

How: Sign up on SchoolsBuddy

Why: We need volunteers to give the balls back to players from both sides as quickly as possible.

Outcomes: Ethics or Commitment & Persistence or Challenge & New Skill, Strength & Growth.