Please bring any clothes donations for this event to Suzy’s room by tomorrow.
Volunteers!!!! Have you completed your volunteering experience yet???
We need up to 100 volunteers to help at the Invitational Football Tournament on Saturday March 25th
Who: Grades 6-10
What: Ball Collectors – run and collect balls that are kicked out of bounds, out of play.
How: Sign up on SchoolsBuddy
Why: We need volunteers to give the balls back to players from both sides as quickly as possible.
Outcomes: Ethics or Commitment & Persistence or Challenge & New Skill, Strength & Growth.
Songs of Inclusion Listening Booth
NIS Voices and Spaces is organizing a sound booth/listening booth for songs with inclusive messages. Contribute by adding your own favorite inclusive songs. Please make sure the songs are school appropriate (no profanities, swearing).
Click here!
Athletics Field Days – NEXT WEEK! (March 30th & 31st)
Only two weeks to go!!!!
Athletics Day (Grades 2 to 5)
Thursday, March 30th | 10.30 to 2.30
Field Day (PreK to G1)
Friday, March 31st | 8.30 to 10.30