Day: June 5, 2023

Speech and Debate @ BSN June 8th

On Thursday June 8th, the following students will miss Block 3, 4, 5 to represent NIS at a Speech & Debate event at BSN.

  • Alia
  • Suin
  • Yoojin
  • Minhwa
  • Minseo
  • Yuxian
  • Ian
  • Marsha

Full names are attached in a password protected PDF: June 8th Name List

Student Office Hours – Student Council Survey

Hello Secondary Students –

Your Student Council needs your feedback on how we can make the most of Office Hours. During Advisory today, Monday, June 5, please complete your grade level survey and share your feedback on how we can best promote and improve student office hours for next school year, 2023-24. Thank you for your constructive feedback!

Grade 6-7 survey

Grade 8-10 survey

Grade 11 survey


If you have any questions please contact Hesh in Grade 11 (Wangtong Wu <>)