Month: June 2023

Facility Notice – Summer Holiday

ear all,

During the upcoming Summer Holiday:

Due to HUB project construction, maintenance and renovation projects, NIS campus will be under closed management from June 21st 1200h to July 31st 2400h,  including Fitness Room (the Center level 3).

Admin team will move to work at the Centre level 1 (Lounge room, Meeting room, Aquatics Office and Admission Office ),B163 staff lounge in Main Building will be open also for lunch space.

For anyone needs to access to construction site (main buildings and Centre 2nd floor), he/she must wear proper PPE and follow security personnel’s guide.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Facility Team

Yearbook Pick-Up

A friendly reminder to Homeroom Teachers and Advisors to please pick up yearbooks for your students (and yourselves) this morning for immediate distribution. Thanks!

Payment Process during the Summer Holiday

To whom it may concern:

Below payment process for the summer break is for your information:

  1. The staff emails the request form to the budget head with the description, amount, bank info, and preferred payment date.
  2. The budget head approves it by email and forwards it to Arek, Julia Zhang, and Grace Song. If the amount is more than RMB 100,000, please email Laurie as well.
  3. Arek responds with approval to all. Laurie approves it by email if the amount is more than RMB 100,000.
  4. Grace processes the payment online.
  5. Julia approves the payment online.

The Request Form is for your information as well.

Have a great vacation,


Facility Notice – Summer Holiday

Dear all,

During the upcoming Summer Holiday:

Due to HUB project construction, maintenance and renovation projects, NIS campus will be under closed management from June 21st 1200h to July 31st 2400h,  including Fitness Room (the Center level 3).

Admin team will move to work at the Centre level 1 (F101 Lounge room, F102meeting room and F107 admission office ),B163 staff lounge in Main Building will be also be open for lunch space.

For anyone needs to access to construction site (main buildings and Centre 2nd floor), he/she must wear proper PPE and follow security personnel’s guide.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Facility Team

CMB Notice

CMB Qixia Branch will CLOSE on June 23 & 24 and OPEN IN LIMITED HOURS on June 22 (09:00-16:30), 2023 during Dragon Boat Festival.

Secondary Lunch Today

Dear Secondary Students,

Today you will have lunch in Lunch 1 meaning that you will eat at 12:30. Please make your way to the Cafeteria for lunch at the end of block 4 and then move to the PAC in lunch 2 for a prompt start to the Awards Assembly at 1:15pm.

See you later,

Mrs Clarke

Secondary students owing library books

Congrats to PK/K1, Grade 1, Grade 2, 6C, 7A, 9B, and grade 11 for returning all of your library books!

The following secondary students still need to turn in or pay for library books. There is a tub outside the library for books OR you can come inside and give it to me in the old library.

Grade 6






Grade 7


Yu Le


Grade 8


Eun Seo







Grade 9



Grade 10





Borrowed IT Department Loaners/Peripherals

This is a friendly reminder for anyone who has borrowed either a loaner computer or a peripheral device such as a charger. The IT Department is in the process of collecting such borrowed items to conduct an inventory during the summer holiday. We are asking that you please return the borrowed item/s as soon as possible, no later than Monday the 19th of June. It is the IT Department’s policy to charge for unreturned items, so please make every effort to return your borrowed item/s to the IT Center before the end of the day on Monday, June 19th, 2023. We will also not be loaning out computers or peripherals next week in preparation for the holiday.

We appreciate your understanding and support.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.

Thank you

The IT Support Team.

EARCOS Workshops & Webinars

Interested in Professional Development?

Every month EARCOS offers a range of free and paid courses. For more information on coming events check out this link. There is also a great library of past events in the form of free webinars which you can find here.

Coming Session:

Creating a Sense of Belonging Through Instructional Coaching
Presented by: Kim Cofino
Saturday, Sept 2, 2023
9:00 – 10:30 AM HKT
Featuring stories & evidence from schools around the world, this session demonstrates that properly-implemented instructional coaching does much more than “just” improve student learning; it creates a culture of growth and belonging which can lead to greater teacher satisfaction and retention. By demonstrating a school’s commitment to personalizing professional learning, coaching empowers all learners to flourish and develops humanizing organizations. You’ll leave this session with the 3 key criteria needed to build a successful and sustainable instructional coaching program, along with specific pitfalls to avoid along the way.

Past Webinars:

The Landscape Model of Learning: Designing Student-Centered Experiences for Cognitive and Cultural Inclusion with Jennifer Klein

Most schools still function with age-level groupings and an industrial-era mentality about students, where we presume a common starting and ending point for all. While such systems may have helped us standardize education and make it more efficient, they make some students feel perpetually behind, hold back our most talented, and ignore the “middle.” Rather than shooting for access for all students, authors Jennifer D. Klein and Kapono Ciotti have developed The Landscape Framework to help teachers and leaders ensure the highest levels of success possible for all students.

How to end bullying and cyberbullying at your school with Nicholas Carlisle

Student bullying and harassment are some of the most painful challenges facing educators today. As schools went online in response to the pandemic, cyberbullying has increased and student civility has plummeted. Yet most teachers and school leaders have never been trained in an effective system for how to respond.

In this ninety minute session, Nicholas Carlisle will share with you the four steps that visionary schools are taking to become bully-free. You will learn how to initiate culture change on your campus and how to activate student empathy to resolve the incidents of bullying that still occur.

Curriculum Review: A Proven Pathway to Success (Part 1)

Every school engages in curriculum review on a regular basis—for accreditation, for program development and evaluation and because curriculum is the life blood of all we do. In this three-part series, Andrew Miller, Director of Teaching and Learning and Gynelle Gaskell, Mathematics Instructional Coach both at Singapore American School, will share with us many of the tried and true methods and processes SAS embraces in their approach to curriculum review. The process helps ensure that the curriculum is not only vertically and horizontally aligned, but dynamic, relevant and reflective of the rapid changes in subject matter, teaching and learning today.

Curriculum Review: A Proven Pathway to Success (Part 2)

Every school engages in curriculum review on a regular basis—for accreditation, for program development and evaluation and because curriculum is the life blood of all we do. In this three-part series, Andrew Miller, Director of Teaching and Learning and Gynelle Gaskell, Mathematics Instructional Coach both at Singapore American School, will share with us many of the tried and true methods and processes SAS embraces in their approach to curriculum review. The process helps ensure that the curriculum is not only vertically and horizontally aligned, but dynamic, relevant and reflective of the rapid changes in subject matter, teaching and learning today.

Curriculum Review: A Proven Pathway to Success (Part 3)

Every school engages in curriculum review on a regular basis—for accreditation, for program development and evaluation and because curriculum is the life blood of all we do. In this three-part series, Andrew Miller, Director of Teaching and Learning and Gynelle Gaskell, Mathematics Instructional Coach both at Singapore American School, will share with us many of the tried and true methods and processes SAS embraces in their approach to curriculum review. The process helps ensure that the curriculum is not only vertically and horizontally aligned, but dynamic, relevant and reflective of the rapid changes in subject matter, teaching and learning today.

Essential Conditions for Building a Culture of Data Use with Shabbi Luthra & Piotr Olczak

Schools gather limitless information about their students and their skills, needs, and their growth/ progress. They hope this data can be used by their teachers to design interventions and learning engagements for their students. In order for teachers to use the data, it requires that school leaders build a culture of data use. This session will share the essential conditions for schools to build and develop a data-using and data-informed culture.

Session 1: For Interdisciplinary Learning, Focus on Real-World Contexts with Suzie Boss

When students tackle challenges that matter to them, engagement increases. To ensure that their initial engagement leads to deep learning, educators can look for interdisciplinary opportunities embedded in real-world projects. Such experiences will help students make connections that cross content silos as they apply their understanding to arrive at more creative solutions. Working on interdisciplinary projects mirrors the world beyond the classroom, where complex problems and emerging careers require collaboration by experts. This session will highlight compelling contexts for authentic problem solving from K-12, including sustainability, invention, engaged citizenship (both local and global), and community service. Case studies and planning strategies will help participants design projects that enable students to deepen disciplinary understanding while also making connections across content areas.

Session 2: Interdisciplinary Projects: Leveraging Opportunities, Overcoming Challenges with Suzie Boss

Planning for interdisciplinary projects challenges educators to reimagine the curriculum outside traditional content silos. This session will focus on practical strategies for collaborative project design, alignment to learning goals, and assessment planning. Examples will show how educators can leverage community partnerships and engage with content experts to help students extend their learning beyond the classroom. Resources will help participants anticipate next steps to expand interdisciplinary learning experiences for their students.



For more information on these and other coming events check out this link.

Opportunities are also available to submit articles to the EARCOS Journal. Get in touch with me if this is something you are interested in.

For more info on everything EARCOS visit

Our partner – EARCOS (East Asia Regional Council of International Schools)


Facility Notice – Summer Holiday

Dear all,

During the upcoming Summer Holiday:

Due to HUB project construction, maintenance and renovation projects, the NIS campus will under closed management from June 21st 1200h to July 31st 2400h,  including Fitness Room (the Center level 3).

Access protocols, please follow the instructions from the security personnel.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Facility Team

Borrowed IT Department Loaners/Peripherals

This is a friendly reminder for anyone who has borrowed either a loaner computer or a peripheral device such as a charger. The IT Department is in the process of collecting such borrowed items to conduct an inventory during the summer holiday. We are asking that you please return the borrowed item/s as soon as possible, no later than Monday the 19th of June. It is the IT Department’s policy to charge for unreturned items, so please make every effort to return your borrowed item/s to the IT Center before the end of the day on Monday, June 19th, 2023. We will also not be loaning out computers or peripherals next week in preparation for the holiday.

We appreciate your understanding and support.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.

Thank you

The IT Support Team.