“When can students be on-campus after-school?”

… For officially scheduled and supervised NIS activities or appointments only.

“But I want to hang out and game on the sweet NIS WIFI…” No.

“But I want to throw baseball and play football with my friends…” No.

“But I want to hang in the cafeteria and eat chocolate danishes…” No.

“But I want to sit in the pagoda and vibe…” No.

“But my ride is late…” Wait in the Centre Foyer.

“But I’m in Grade 11/12…” The lounge, cafe, and fitness room are accessible to you for reasonable use. You’re good.

“But I have an ASA…” Awesome! Just do it!

“But it doesn’t start until 4:15pm…” Cool. Wait in the cafeteria or library.

“Can I come to school on the weekend?…” Is it an officially scheduled and supervised NIS activity?

“Yes…” Awesome! Just do it!

“No…” No.

“Why all these rules?” To keep you and everyone else safe and well of course!