Ms. Moen needs two student volunteers from Grades 8-11 to help with a primary Skateboarding and Roller Blading activity after school on Thursdays from 3:00 – 4:15. You do not need to have any experience roller blading or skateboarding. You will help the primary school students to put on their roller blades and safety gear and assist the beginners as they learn to skate. This volunteering will last for 3 weeks from Sept. 21 – Oct. 19. Contact Ms. Moen via email: or her classroom, D242.
Secondary MAP Testing Wrap-Up Friday
Secondary students in need of MAP testing wrap-up should head to the MAIN BUILDING LGR on Friday at 2:00pm. These students have received an email from Mr. Bratton as well. See you then!
Accreditation Reports and Actions
Please find our 2022-2023 self study report linked here along with a summary of the planned actions from that report. The self-study and evidence submitted by our committees last June will greatly inform the lines of inquiry our 13 peer evaluators will take during the upcoming October accreditation visit (October 7-13).
Please take a look and be reminded of our collective, reflective efforts and marvel at the efforts already underway on behalf of our students. More detail can always be found in the Accreditation folder on the digital hub. Please see Kasson with any questions or feedback. Thanks to all!