Month: December 2023

Retro Printing Presets to Save you “Money”

Print Retro Style to “save money”

Setting a preset to black and white will save you “money” in your printing allowance as the printer will charge you based on the instructions sent to it. If your document is only text but the instructions sent by you say color, you will be “charged” for color. To do this please follow the instructions found here.

If you have any questions please see us in the IT Office.

Pfrang Giving Tree Cards

On behalf of the Pfrang Association and the Pfrang Service Group, we would like to thank the entire NIS Community for their support during this year’s Pfrang Giving Tree drive. We have SOLD ALL CARDS!! But, our work isn’t complete. We now commence with our collection phase of the drive. Once you have written your message and/or decorated your card that you purchased, please return the card to us. There are several ways.

  1. Place it in the decorated box that is in the Centre Foyer.
  2. Take it to your Homeroom/Advisory teacher. (Teachers, email Mr. Romero and he will pick the cards up from your area.)
  3. Find or email Mr. Romero and he will go to you and collect the card(s).

We would like to have all cards in by Monday, December 4th. Please help us gather these cards back as we need them for the final phase of the Giving Tree drive, packing. If you are interested in helping pack the bags and boxes in which they will be delivered, stay tuned for more information. Thank you!

Apply for Leave in 2024

The e-Leave system works on a calendar year basis, i.e., from Jan 1 to Dec 31.  Any leave in 2024 please apply after Jan 1 when the new cycle starts after 2023 data transition.