Our fall MAP testing session will begin next week with Secondary assessments happening September 11-15 and Primary September 18-26th. Secondary students, please work with your Advisors to be sure you have the most recent MAP (NWEA) program on you laptops. More details to come later this week!
Secondary Tuesday Lunch Move Permanent
Our shift to 11:30am recess and 12:00pm lunch on Tuesdays for secondary students was a resounding success. We will now make this change permanent. This means that secondary students always eat at 12:00pm. Easy to remember, right?! Many thanks to Ms. Moen for this suggestion.
Alice in Wonderland Rehearsal Today
A reminder to all cast members that you have been emailed the rehearsal schedule and we will have our first rehearsal today after school. If you haven’t done so already, check your email, drag the schedule to your desktop, save it (or print it and save it) and come to every rehearsal you’re required to attend 🙂
It’s going to be an amazing production…
The wonderland Production Team
Come on folks, meet the candidates
Please consider coming along to meet the candidates for Director of Learning. Surprisingly little interest in such an important role for staff here at NIS. Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 3:30pm, one candidate each day. samanthazou@nanjing-school.com if you can make it.
Student Council Candiates
If you are interested in running for Student Council president, please fill out the form in the link below to apply for candidacy.
Please be reminded of the following requirements:
* To run for office, you need to partner up with someone.
* Both candidates should be in Grade 10 or higher, and at least one must have served in the Student Council in the last 2 years or less.
* A team of 2 Grade 12 candidates will not be allowed.
The deadline for application is Friday 8th September.
Here is the link for the form
The NIS Student Council.
(Any questions see Ms Philip)
Alice in Wonderland Cast List
Congratulations to all who auditioned for this year’s production of Alice in Wonderland! This year was the largest turnout for auditions in NIS history…and there was such a HUGE amount of talent – the production is going to be amazing!
The cast list has been emailed to everyone who auditioned. If, however, you auditioned but not receive an email please see Mr Brown or Ms Philip immediately.
A reminder there will be a meeting for the whole cast Friday lunch 12:30-1:00pm in the Black Box. This is mandatory. We will explain the rehearsal process and give out the schedule. Please be there on time.
The Wonderland Production Team
Director of Learning – meet the candidates
Any teachers wishing to meet the candidates next week please drop Samantha (samanthazou@nanjing-school.com) an email. The timings of the meetings will be based on the teacher numbers so please respond by 3pm Thursday.
Arek will be the MOD on Sept. 2, 2023
Dear all,
Arek will be the MOD on Sept. 2, 2023.
Best wishes,
EARCOS September Opportunities
Presented by: Kim Cofino
Saturday, Sept 2, 2023
9:00 – 10:30 AM HKT
Featuring stories & evidence from schools around the world, this session demonstrates that properly-implemented instructional coaching does much more than “just” improve student learning; it creates a culture of growth and belonging which can lead to greater teacher satisfaction and retention. By demonstrating a school’s commitment to personalizing professional learning, coaching empowers all learners to flourish and develops humanizing organizations. You’ll leave this session with the 3 key criteria needed to build a successful and sustainable instructional coaching program, along with specific pitfalls to avoid along the way.
(Free to all EARCOS member schools)
Presented by Dr. Josephine Kim
September 9, 2023
9:00 – 10:30 AM HKT
Rates of violence, natural disasters, and suicide in schools are at an all-time high, and as the world continues to battle uncertainty that threatens everyday normalcy, educators are forced to contend with the reality that none of us is immune to mental health vulnerabilities. Living in unprecedented times presents an unprecedented need for one to take intentional pause for mental health, especially in grind culture where educators and students are expected to push through and keep going at all costs.
This session seeks to:
1. increase awareness of factors that affect one’s emotional and mental wellness;
2. augment understanding of the intersection of mental health and psychological safety; and
3. facilitate reflection on how educators can promote mental health on a personal, classroom, and school level.
(Free to all EARCOS member schools)
Presented by: John Littleford
Saturday, Sept 16, 2023
9:00 – 10:30 AM HKT
Heads of schools experienced a very challenging three-year period and many expended immense amounts of energy and political capital and reached the limit of family tolerance for the stress that the job entails. Most boards are acknowledging their leaders’ past and ongoing efforts and want to retain and reward valued heads. Boards need to initiate and engage heads in a frank discussion of their professional and personal goals and think creatively about a compensation package that addresses heads’ needs within the limits of the school’s budget.
(Free to all EARCOS member schools)
Presented by Dr. Darnell Fine
September 23, 2023
9:00-10:30 AM HKT
Recognizing the rich diversity of our international schools, we have a moral imperative to ensure our classrooms leverage the cultures and identities of our students. This session is a call to both instructional leaders and classroom educators to “look for” and “learn to see” what culturally responsive teaching looks like within the backdrop of an international school in Asia. In this session, we will:
1. Reflect on the connections between students’ cultures, identities, and classroom learning experiences.
2. Examine classroom observation tools with culturally responsive ‘Look-Fors’ and ‘Listen-Fors’
3. Explore culturally responsive teaching strategies that can be integrated into classrooms tomorrow
COURSE 4: Mastery Assessment & Grading
October 2023
Presented by Lee Ann Jung
Boost your skills in assessment and grading systems in this insightful 6-week course based on Lee Ann Jung’s forthcoming Corwin Press book, What Matters Most. In this course, you’ll explore cutting-edge assessment practices rooted in measurement research that push beyond current trends in standards-based grading. Learn about one international school’s 5-year journey to disrupt traditional practices and reconstruct a truly innovative assessment system.
One of the services EARCOS provides to its member schools throughout the year is the sponsorship of two-day workshops and institutes for faculty and administration. The topics for these workshops are determined according to the needs of members.
Workshops are hosted by EARCOS schools.
Service Learning Institute: Transforming Learning Through Service
September 8-9, 2023
Panyaden International School
Consultant: Cathryn Berger Kaye
Coordinator: Clayton Dowty, d.clayton@panyaden.ac.th
Format: In-Person
Formative Assessment and Self-Regulated Learning
September 9, 2023
Mt. Zaagkam School
Consultant: Damien Cooper
Coordinator: Raquel Acedo Rubio, racedoru@fmi.com
Format: Virtual
ChatGPT and Generative Artificial Intelligence in Education
September 16-17, 2023
Brent International School Manila
Consultant: Jeff Utecht
Coordinator: John Whalley, jwhalley@brent.edu.ph
Format: In-Person
How to Grade and Report for Learning – 2023 and beyond
September 16-17, 2023
Canadian International School Bangalore
Consultant: Ken O’Connor
Coordinator: Shefali Jhaveri, headoflearning@cisb.org.in
Format: In-Person
Director of Learning – meet the candidates
Any teachers wishing to meet the candidates next week please drop Samantha (samanthazou@nanjing-school.com) an email. The timings of the meetings will be based on the teacher numbers so please respond by 3pm Thursday.
Code Blue Reminder: 9:55am Today
As confirmed by SLT, there will be an announced Lockdown Drill @09.55h Today for the whole school.
Please find out the online survey with enclosed Procedure of Code Blue, and share your feedback after the Lockdown drill via NIS Code Blue on Aug.29 or by scanning the QR below by Wednesday, 30 August 2023.
All staff members must submit their feedback in the provided online survey.
Thanks for your support!
Arek and the team
Tuesday Secondary Lunch Change Reminder!
Secondary Lunch today will commence after Block Three at 11:30am.
11:30-12:00pm Secondary Recess (Green Gym off-limits!)
12:00-12:30pm Secondary Lunch
12:30pm Primary Lunch as normal.