Hi PP Supervisors!
Last task before your break – feedback for Part C – The Reflection.
There are once again two sections. The first section is – explain the impact of the project on themselves or their learning, (or a combination of these). They will need to have detailed descriptions here as well as examples. The second section is – evaluate the product based on the success criteria. In this section, students are essentially grading themselves based on the criteria they created in Part A. They should include each of their success criteria and discuss the strengths and limitations of their product in regard to each success criteria and reach a conclusion.
For example, my student has written about how the project impacted himself in several ways. Firstly, he has written about how the learning helped him establish that he really enjoys this area of study. He has stated that the project really helped him to identify that a career in this area could be a good choice for him. He stated when he had this epiphany and provided some images and email communication as evidence. Then he wrote about what he learned about himself. He wrote about the IB learner profile of being a communicator and how communicating with his supervisor was important and getting to meetings was not always easy. He gave details of one time where his supervisor was waiting for him, and he let his supervisor down and how that was not good for their relationship. He also wrote about his time-management skills and how they need to be improved. He also mentioned the IB learner trait of ‘balanced’ in regards to leaving some of his project to the last minute. In the second section, he has used his table that he created at the beginning with his success criteria, and he has stated whether he achieved his success criteria or not but writing about the strengths and limitations of each one. Then he has concluded with an overall statement about the success of his product in a small paragraph.
If you can provide this feedback for students before the holidays that would be great. To access their work, please go into ManageBac, into the IB Manager tab on the left, choose the class of 2026, click into the calendar section along the top tabs, on Saturday the third you will see a drop box, click on it to access the work of your student.
Thanks you for all of your hard work. We are so close to finishing, well done team!
Regards, Anita and Jade