Registration for GOA (Global Online Academy) for Summer 2024 and Academic Year 2024 – 2025 has begun! GOA offers high school students the opportunity to learn in an interactive, global learning community, building the skills they’ll need for college, career, and life. NIS offers these courses (for an additional fee) to G9 and G10 Students. This means that students currently in G8 and G9 have the opportunity to register for this amazing program! (This course would replace their Design Course. This is not an additional course, but rather an alternative elective course to Design)
The current list of Courses with links to their descriptions are as follows:
- Business, Economics, and Finance
- Global Studies
- Justice, Ethics, and Human Rights
- Psychology
- Health Science
- Computer Science
- Engineering:
- Chemistry & Biochemistry
- Mathematics
- Art, Media, and Design
Please look through these course offerings and talk with your students about them. My hope is that you can help identify and recommend courses to students you think would be a good match.
This is also a perfect opportunity to help students think about their path in life. GOA offers what is called a Learning Pathway. Students who pursue a Pathway Certification from GOA learn deeply about their own interests, preparing them to declare a college major or explore careers they might want to pursue in the future. These students are further able to distinguish themselves and create opportunities for sharing their unique learning journey in the college admissions process. When a student earns a Pathway Certification, the certification is highlighted on their GOA transcript, which provides additional context and description of a student’s GOA experience. The GOA-issued certificate includes a list of courses the student has taken and the competencies mastered in those courses as well as Pathway Certification earned.
Please help promote personal excellence, student voice and choice, and help students burst their bubble by introducing these course offerings to students.
If you or your students want to know more about GOA send me an email ( or visit me in my classroom (D213). Students can also email the NIS GOA Student Ambassador Ziqi (Rosy) Ye at