Day: May 2, 2024

Teachers – short survey on “The Day” use

Our usage of “The Day” for news at various reading levels is phenomenal! So much so that they are willing to give us a discount if we explain how it is being used in class. So, please, if you use “The Day” in your classes, fill out this four-question survey.

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Virtual author visit – Katey Howes

On Thursday, May 9, at 8:05, we will have a virtual author visit by Katey Howes, the author of Rissy No Kissies. The visit will be on Microsoft Teams and will last for 15 minutes or so. She will show us her work space, explain some of her writing routines, and have time for questions and answers. Please email your student’s questions (or yours) to me so we can pre-pick and prepare the students asking questions. Questions must be emailed to me by noon on Tuesday, please.