Day: May 16, 2024



Our grade 5 students will run their PYPX in the PAC this morning from 9:00-12:30.  Our students did a great job last night evening sharing with their families. 

Secondary school teachers, and mentors please see the sign up form here for you and your students to come and join the Exhibition

Hope to see you in the PAC!

Upcoming University and Career Counselling Event

Here are the event reminder in University and Career Counselling Program

  1. Chung Ang University Webinar: May 16, Thursday, 15:30 – 16:20 China Standard Time, G10-12 only
  2. The American Culture Fair – US Visa presentation and Education by EducationUSA team (Please see the poster below), May 18, All grades
  3. Sogang University Webinar: May 22, Wednesday, 15:20 – 16:10 China Standard Time, G10-12 only
  4. SungKyunKwan University Webinar: May 24, Friday, 15:10 – 16:00 China Standard Time, G10-12 only

Please bookmark this event on your calendar and make sure not to miss it. Grade 12 and 11 students and families, especially those planning to pursue higher education in the USA, are strongly encouraged to attend the American Culture Fair’s US visa presentation session on American Culture Day.