Year: 2024

Volunteering Opportunity – NIS needs your help!

On Saturday 7th December, we are hosting 7 schools for the NIS Basketball Invitational event. These events need our wonderful community to support the score tables throughout the day in different time sessions.

Thank you to the students who have already registered their support.

Students PLEASE check schoolsbuddy for this opportunity. We will need to meet before the event to show how to support the games with scoring.

NIS Parents if you are available for just over a 2 hour time session shared below, please send me an email, especially if your student athlete is playing.

Thank you in advance for your support of this annual event.

08:15 – 10:30

12:45 – 15:00

14:45 – 17:00

Monday Briefing Minutes

Hi there,

For those who might have missed Monday Briefing.

  • Staff Update – Congrats to Danny Griffith who will be joining International School of Phnom Penh next year.
  • Tuesday meeting – seating style will be a bit different because of exams in the PAC.
  • Minute taker – Looking for volunteer who might be good at minute taking to help take minutes for Monday Briefing. If you have attention to detail and are good at minutes please let Laurie or Sandra know.
  • TedX – 10th anniversary. We’re looking for speakers (students and adults). If you have a good idea reach out to Tríona, Ophélie, Carol, Quinnesian or Jiawen
  • Pfrang Giving Tree – Only a few cards left. If you want a card, write an email to Mike McHugh and he will hand deliver for you and you can support a child with a wonderful gift. Get it while you can!
  • White Elephant – This Friday. Put your gift under the tree.
  • Winter Charity – This Sunday. There will be lots of performances and booths. Tons of fun for everyone!
  • ACAMIS Film Festival coming up. Submissions are due before January the 24th

Inspire and Engage: Your Invitation to the NIS Career Fair Panel!

Dear esteemed industry professional,

We are excited to announce that NIS is organizing a Career Fair in February 2025 on our campus. This event will provide an invaluable opportunity for students to explore diverse career paths, gain insights into various industries, and learn from inspiring professionals like you!

Event Details:

Date: February 17 (Week 22), 2025

Time: 15:15-16:15

Location: NIS Secondary Campus

Format: Each industry will have a dedicated session in separate classrooms.

Panelists: professionals in the industry.

Duration: 15- 20 minutes per guest speaker

Survey for guest speaker:

We aim to represent a broad range of industries and are seeking experienced professionals from the following fields or more:

Arts: visual arts, photography, literature, journalism, performing arts, design, film, and media.

Business, finance, banking: marketing, finance, entrepreneurship, and consulting.

Education: teaching, education consulting

Engineering: civil, mechanical, electrical, software, and aerospace.

Healthcare: health science, medicine, pharmaceutical, Chinese medicine

Hospitality: hotels, resorts, sports management

Law and Public service: law firm, public service

Science and technology/Computer Science/Game designing: research, healthcare, biotechnology, and environmental science.

Others: Any new industry that you would like to introduce to the younger generation.

Your expertise would be an incredible asset to this event, helping inspire and guide our students as they plan their futures.

Interested in joining us?

Please complete this short survey to express your interest and share your availability.

We would be honored to have you as part of this exciting initiative. If you have any questions or need further details, feel free to contact us via or

EARCOS Weekend Workshops (January & February)

One of the services EARCOS provides to its member schools throughout the year is the sponsorship of two-day workshops and institutes for faculty and administration. The topics for these workshops are determined according to the needs of members. All workshops are hosted by EARCOS schools.

Contact the specific event coordinator for more information or to register.

Empowering Students to Be the Boss of their Brains: Executive Functioning Support

Monday, January 13-14, 2025
Bandung Independent School
Consultant: Northshore Learning
Format: In-Person
Coordinator: Katherine Stone,

Integrating Reading, Writing, and the Content Areas

Saturday, January 18-19, 2025
The International School of Kuala Lumpur
Consultanst: Daniel Feigelson & Carl Anderson
Format: In-Person
Coordinator: Azra Pathan,

Inspired Student Leadership: Experience Inspire Citizens Tools and Skills to Empower Student Change Makers and Deepen Student and Service Leadership

Friday, January 24-25, 2025
International School Bangkok
Consultant: Aaron Moniz
Format: In-Person
Coordinator: Jennifer DeLashmutt,

Mastering Integration and Interdisciplinarity in Education

Saturday, February 8-9, 2025
Mont’Kiara International School
Consultant: Andy Vasily
Format: In-Person
Coordinator: Adeline Lépine,

Building a Thinking Classroom

Friday, February 14-15, 2025
Korea international School
Consultant: Dr. Peter Liljedahl
Format: In-Person
Coordinator: Hillary Barron,

Shaping Productive Mathematics Classrooms

Saturday, February 22-23, 2025
Yokohama International School
Consultant: Zane Latve
Format: In-Person
Coordinator: Susie Clifford & Jay Brownrigg, &
Expression of Interest

Effective Grading and Reporting of Student Achievement

Friday, February 28 – March 1, 2025
Panyaden International School
Consultant: Ken O’Connor
Format: In-Person
Coordinator: Daiju Vithayathil,

Morning Briefing Minutes

We’re seeking a volunteer or two who would be willing to take brief notes during our Monday Briefings so that those who might have BTT or not able to attend the briefings would have more context for what is shared.

If you’re gifted 🦄 in note-taking – We Want You!

Please reach out to Sandra if you’re able to help.

Student Coaching Opportunity – Volleyball (Grades 8-12)

Good morning,

I/we are looking for at least 2 student coaches who have a passion and interest in developing their own leadership and communication skills by supporting the U12 Volleyball season.

This would count as a volunteering and GCD opportunity.

We truly value our older student athletes being role models for our younger students so please come and see Mr Dutton if you have an interest in doing this.

The season starts in Week 18 and finishes in Week 26

Training sessions are on Monday’s 15:15-16:15

IXL Individualized Study Plans

We are excited to share some fantastic news.

We have successfully uploaded your students’ RIT scores to IXL! Students now have their personalized NWEA MAP study plans that list the IXL skills they are ready to work on next, based on their individual RIT scores.

Students and teachers can find the study plans pinned at the top of the Skill Plans page in their accounts by hovering over the Learning tab!

The study plans will also be available to students using the mobile apps.  

So what to do next?

If you have any questions please ask!


The IT Support Team!

EARCOS Workshops & Webinars | December to January


Every month, EARCOS offers a range of free and paid courses. For more information on coming events, check out this  link. There is also a great library of past events in the form of free webinars, which you can find here.

Here are just some of the great free events coming soon!

Current & Upcoming Events
View upcoming events and access our list of sponsored value-packed webinars. These are full of insights into international education, provided by leading-edge panelists including subject-matter experts, Leadership, Governance, Assessment, Curriculum, and many more.

Saturday, December 7, 2024
Culturally Responsive Curriculum
Presented by Mary Ann De Rosa

This interactive webinar on designing culturally responsive curriculum, teaching, and learning experiences shifts the DEIJ conversation from reflection to action. Through a lesson simulation, participants will understand how culturally responsive and inclusive pedagogy looks, sounds, and feels in the classroom. The webinar will share strategies for creating curriculum and instruction that are inclusive and culturally relevant. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their own teaching methods, identify gaps, and access tools and resources to support their own curriculum development.

 Saturday, December 14, 2024
Tailored Interventions and Accelerations: Addressing Diverse Student Needs
(Session 4 of 4 | Bridging the Gap: Enhancing Instructional Coherence Webinar Series)

Presented by Erma Anderson

Instructional coherence means ensuring that every element of instruction — from core instruction to interventions to extended time—works together to advance grade-level student experiences. At the most basic level, a coherent instructional system builds academic and socioemotional supports that prepare the way for and extend grade-level learning. This means that students engage in instructional experiences that have a link and relationship with each other and with core grade-level instruction.

Bridging the Gap: Enhancing Instructional Coherence will examine the core instructional model and the anatomy of a lesson. It will provide opportunity to examine key components of a well-designed lesson, research evidence-based teaching practices, and assessment strategies. The sessions will provide the consistent language, strategies, and focus required for coherency in all content areas.

Thursday, January 9, 2025
Foundational Understanding of DL/Bilingual Education
(Session 1 of 4 | Transformative Multilingual Learning Programming in International Schools Webinar Series)

Presented by Dr. Ying Chu

– Bilingual/Multilingual identities
– Program core goals
– Research on high-quality DL/bilingual programs
– Provide examples of DL program models and outcomes in sample schools with guest speakers

Saturday, January 11, 2025
Reading and Evaluating Asian American Youth Literature
Presented by Sarah Park Dahlen
Description: TBA

For more information on these and other coming events check out this link.

Opportunities are also available to submit articles to the EARCOS Journal. Get in touch with me if this is something you are interested in.

For more info on everything EARCOS visit

Facility Notice

Dear all,

Monthly Equipment Testing of Fire-fighting & Lockdown System on this coming Sunday (Dec 1st)  8:00am~4:00pm. Please ignore the broadcasting, the alarming bell and the flickering blue lights during the period.

Thanks for your understanding.

Facility Team

Service as Action – Thursday 28 Nov

Hi All

Service as Action will be an extended session today, so it will run from 10:30am – 12pm.

Grade 12’s will have Advisory as normal, along with those Grade 11’s who do not do Service.

For your reference, the plan for Service as Action blocks and which will be extended lives here.

Thank you for your ongoing support of the Service program.


Tickets still available!

Tickets are still available for this incredible production!

Available from the school cashier, or alternatively see Mr Brown or Ms Philip!