About cancellation the Bank of Jiangsu (BOJ) Card

Below is from the BOJ for your information, about cancellation of  BOJ Card:


Our foreign staff need take passport, expert certificate and the bank card(&bank book if you had originally), to the BOJ Headquarter counter, to cancel the BOJ card.

Our Chinese staff could go to any BOJ in Nanjing for the cancellation,  with ID card, and the bank card(&bank book if you had originally) .

No appointment needed.


If want to have the bank statement with the BOJ stamp for past 1 year, please ask for it before the cancellation of the bank card. (It’s up to you if you want the bank statement, or how many copies for records.)


If  the BOJ card or bank book was lost, replacement is needed before the cancellation. The replacement cost about 3 working days.


The BOJ Headquarter address is following:

Bank of Jiangsu Headquarters Mansion, 26 Zhong Hua Lu


Google Map Direction for the new BOJ address 屏幕快照 2015-09-01 上午9.18.49