Grade 5 are looking for mentors!
- The role of the mentor is chiefly to advise and keep students on track.
- There should be regular meetings. For the most part we would like mentor meetings to happen during UOI time, in the grade 5 classrooms. HOWEVER – no problem if they come to you if that suits you better!
- Offer advice on locating resources and using them efficiently.
- Ask questions (i.e. to clarify thinking, to help with processing information, to extend knowledge etc.)
- Help interpret sophisticated/difficult information.
- Facilitate interviews, telephone calls, any electronic communication.
- Goal setting and time management advice.
- Be supportive and encouraging.
- Celebrate achievements and successes with the students.
Please email any of the grade 5 teachers if you are willing to be a part of this exciting journey! Information meeting NOT Thursday 8th March at 3:15. TBD