Dear MS/US colleagues,
This Friday G1-G5 student will host CNY interactive activities for all students on Feb.1st, day 3, Friday. The activities are:
-剪纸 Paper Cutting
-眉心画 Eyebrows Painting
-射击 Archery
-拓印 Rubbing Printing
-投壶 Tou Hu
-福字 “Fu” Calligraphy
-步摇制作 Step Shake making
-筷子技能比赛 Chopstick challenge
All 8 activities will be running at 2 venues, Hutong and foyer outside of library. G1-G5 students have been prepare these by themselves and ready for our guest to come and have fun with them.
We are inviting MS/US to come and interacting with our PS student with the spirit of celebrating Chinese New Year. We are opening block 3 and block 4 for MS/US to sign up a time to come. Please sign up with the link here and bring you student down with you to support the event and participate with us.
We also prepared the price for participate every 3 different activities to encourage you all to do as many as you can with the time slot you have.
More details to come from our G1-G5 students on Feb.1st.