Week 22: Briefing Minutes

The link to yesterday’s briefing notes is here.

From next week onward, the briefing minutes will only be available through the OneNote app, and won’t be posted in the Daily Bulletin.

Have a great week!



Welcome (LMc)

Welcome, Jane! Great to have you on campus!

Welcome to semester II!

Award Nomination (LMc)

School nomination of Holly for an award: Outstanding liaison between foreign companies and local governance.

So very well-deserved!! Another opportunity to acknowledge and thank Holly for all of her work.

Travel and parent letter (KB)

Compulsory letter that must be delivered in hard copy to every student and staff member. FORM A:

  • Key points around travel and health around LNY holiday
  • Copy in staff members’ pigeonholes, and Homeroom / Advisory teachers’ pigeonholes.
  • All students in MSUS Advisories must return to Advisory for the last 5 mins of today for distribution

FORM As must be back by Wednesday morning:

  • These will be collected in the Centre foyer at the start of the day
  • Students who do not bring the form back cannot access campus on Wednesday (until the forms are returned)

If someone (students and staff alike) travels outside of Nanjing outside of the break, they have to fill in FORM C.

  • Laurie will send this out in soft copy today
  • Not to be confused with hard copy FORM A

3-way conferences (KB)

Sign-ups are happening

Teachers with children: Please schedule your own parent conferences for outside the 3-way conferences

Semester II info: (KB)

  • BTT
  • Sub rota

Check out the changes in your Sunday email from Adam and Ruth

Thanks to Bella and Ray for their updates and thoughtful changes

New students update (SN)

21 new students on campus

House t-shirts are in the respective Advisor / Homeroom teachers’ pigeonholes

Pencil cases are no longer being distributed

Swim Meet Thanks (KL)

Thanks to those who volunteered and came along to the meet. It was fab to see you there and to have your support.

Change in your photo on website (SN)

If you want a change to your photo on the school website, please contact Clara for timings

Social Committee

Happy birthday to the January babies! This month’s flavour is Red Velvet.

Please come and take your slice!

Minutes by Katie H