Tech Tip 15 : 20 ways to use ChatGPT in the classroom

Remaining on the theme of AI, this week I wanted to share with you a collection of 20 ways that you can start using AI in your classroom right now.

The infographic below provides a great list of possibilities. It comes from the website

Some of the really interesting ones include;

  • Add it to the “think pair share” thinking routine.

Students think about a prompt, then discuss it with a classmate. Then they do any searches they want on ChatGPT. They pair back up to discuss what they’ve found. Then they share with the class.

  • Grade the bot.

Give a writing prompt to ChatGPT (or a similar tool). It could be a different writing prompt than you’ll give your students. Read the essay that the bot creates for you.Then, give the students the rubric you’ll use to grade them and ask them to grade the response from the artificial intelligence.

  • Debate the bot.

Let students (as individuals, in pairs or small groups, or even as a whole-group activity) debate ChatGPT (or a similar tool).  Students take one side of a debate. The AI takes the other. Students plug their points in and ask the bot to rebut.

  • Take several responses and make a better product.

Ask it to answer a question or write something for you. Then ask it again … and again … and again. Get five (or more!) versions of the same prompt. Have students (individually, in pairs/small groups, or even ask a class) take the best parts from those versions and turn it into a better final product.

And finally, the following PDF is a summary of the DitchThatTextbook website linked above. ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence in Education  It contains all of the ideas above (See pg 11 of the PDF for the Infographic ) plus many many more.

That’s it for today’s Tech Tip.  See you again next Tuesday.

Tech Coach Ken