Stop by the PAC on Friday to support our NIS Kids Read Team as they compete against 8 other schools in a reading quiz bowl. Our NIS team is comprised of 9 avid readers from Grades 6-8- Anselma, Emily, Eva, Lucy, Noah, Angela C., Angela W., Felicity and Sean!
We will be setting up several rows of chairs across the back of the PAC for an audience. The times are as follows:
- 9:00-10:00 (part of Block 1 & 2)
- 11:00-11:45 (Block 3)
- 12:45-2:00 (during lunch)
We would just ask that you:
- enter and leave the PAC very quietly in case the competition is in mid-round when you arrive
- please do NOT shout out the answers (tempting I know)
Hope to see you in the PAC!