Category: Staff

Guest Author link – Thursday 8:05

Teachers, here is the Teams link for our virtual author visit with Katey Howes on Thursday. She will begin at 8:05 and end around 8:20. Please display on your white board like you normally do for class. The link should work for all teachers within NIS.

If you have any technical issues, please write in the Primary Tech Support wechat or the Secondary Tech wechat. IT will be monitoring those wechats so help can come ASAP if needed.

Teachers who have sent in student questions, I will email you with more info, but when it’s time for your class to ask questions students will be able to come up to your computer to ask Katey.

Final Secondary MAP Make-Up Thursday AM

If you are a Secondary student in need of MAP testing wrap-up/make-up, you have received an email from Mr. Bratton. If this is you, please report to the Main LGR (Between Mrs. Morrow and Mrs. Pearl’s offices) on Thursday at 8:00am. Your teachers are aware. Please arrive with a charged brain and laptop. Many thanks and see you then!

Playground Equipment Rules

Dear All,

Please see the equipment rules and expectations from the primary school student council. The equipment will be open to all students, please see the usage expectations below. Teachers on BTT please also remind and support the students of the expectations during breaks.

Global Citizen Diploma Deadline G9 – This Friday

Global Citizen Diploma Stories


Again, here are the times and days you can tell a story about your GCD journey:

Your scaffold must be completed. You can find it under FILES here on MB.

Please upload to MB (scaffold including summary + title, photos, recording) and send me the link.

If you are writing a story, please upload (story, title + photos) and send me the link.

Here are the deadlines and total number of stories required:

Let me know how I might support you.

For all advisory teachers

Dear advisors,

This video was shown during the last assembly. Please watch the video again with your advisory students. Then, share with them the QR code (below) so they can guess the number of steps in the video. The closest guess will win a prize. Deadline: Wednesday, May 8th, 3 pm.

Thank you!

The 10 000 Step Service Group

ManageBac Monday!

G6-11 students!

Please use some advisory time on Monday to write up your MB entries.


  • Action
  • Benefit
    (Choose ONE outcome ONLY)


  • Change
  • Demonstration
  • Evidence (Photo!)

Virtual author visit – Katey Howes (Rissy No Kissies)

On Thursday, May 9, at 8:05, we will have a virtual author visit by Katey Howes, the author of Rissy No Kissies. The visit will be on Microsoft Teams and will last for 15 minutes or so. She will show us her work space, explain some of her writing routines, and have time for questions and answers. Please email your student’s questions (or yours) to me so we can pre-pick and prepare the students asking questions. Questions must be emailed to me by noon on Tuesday, please.

“The Day” – short survey for teachers about usage

In case you missed it in the Friday daily bulletin:

Our usage of “The Day” for news at various reading levels is phenomenal! So much so that they are willing to give us a discount if we explain how it is being used in class. So, please, if you use “The Day” in your classes, fill out this four-question survey.

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Students Out Friday For ISTA Theatre Festival

The following students will be out of class all day on Friday 10 May for the ISTA Theatre Festival.

G6: Gyuri, Haoyuan, Tabitha, Enhao, Billie, Jasmine, Hedy, Alalei

G7: Simon, Gyubeen

G8: Skiing, Yeonwoo, Seohyun, Jimin, Aila, Yifan, Huyayi

Facility Notice

Dear all,

Monthly Equipment Testing of Fire-fighting & Lockdown System on this coming Sunday (May 5th)  8:00am~4:00pm. Please ignore the broadcasting, the alarming bell and the flickering blue lights during the period.

Thanks for your understanding.

Facility Team

Teachers – short survey on “The Day” use

Our usage of “The Day” for news at various reading levels is phenomenal! So much so that they are willing to give us a discount if we explain how it is being used in class. So, please, if you use “The Day” in your classes, fill out this four-question survey.

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Virtual author visit – Katey Howes

On Thursday, May 9, at 8:05, we will have a virtual author visit by Katey Howes, the author of Rissy No Kissies. The visit will be on Microsoft Teams and will last for 15 minutes or so. She will show us her work space, explain some of her writing routines, and have time for questions and answers. Please email your student’s questions (or yours) to me so we can pre-pick and prepare the students asking questions. Questions must be emailed to me by noon on Tuesday, please.