Category: Staff

Language Acquisition

Try to avoid  questions that assume a cultural knowledge that the ELL/English B students are unlikely to have. A mathematics question about the batting average of a baseball player may cause unnecessary difficulties to a student who has never seen the game played and knows nothing about its rules.

EARCOS Weekend Workshops

Below is the updated list of November – January EARCOS weekend workshops. If you are interested, please check the website, and you can apply through the PD committee. Thanks! (


School: Taipei American School

Title: Tech-Integrated Libraries: Building the Future One Service at a Time
Consultant: Dr. Candace Aiani
Coordinator: Peter Kimball,
Credit: SUNY

Date: Nov 7-8
School: Jakarta Intercultural School

Title: Structured Word Inquiry: Developing literacy and critical thinking through scientific inquiry about how English spelling works, research and practice
Consultant: Pete Bowers
Coordinator: Murray Hodgson,
Credit: SUNY
» Download Flyer and Registration

Date: Nov 7-8
School: Shanghai Community International School -ECE

Title: Early Years Literacy
Consultant: Matthew Glover
Coordinator: Heather Knight,
» Download Flyer

Date: Nov 13-14
School: Taipei American School

Title: Using Technology to Effective Reach Every Learner
Consultant: Greg O’Connor
Coordinator: Peter Kimball,
Credit: SUNY
» Download Flyer | Registration Form

Date: Nov 14-15
School: Ruamrudee International School

Title: Foundations in Math: Developing Mathematical Thinking and Conceptual Understanding in Grades Kg-2
Consultant: Sara Garrett
Coordinator: Madeleine Bystrom,
Credit: SDSU
» Download Flyer
» Registration Form

Date: Nov 21-22
School: UWCSEA

Title: Education for a Sustainable Future
Consultant: Mike Johnston
Coordinator: Caroline Meek,
Credit: SUNY

Date: Nov 21-22
School: NIST International School

Title: Service Projects from Needs Analysis to Completion
Consultant: Andy Dorn, Rick Hannah, Graham Harper
Coordinator: Maija Ruokanen,

Date: Nov 21-22
School: Thai-Chinese International School

Title: Elementary innovation: transforming every lesson with digital media
Consultant: Sean Thompson and Brady Cline
Coordinator: Yi-Ling Chu,
» Download Flyer

Date: Nov 28-29
School: Suzhou Singapore International School

Title: Giving Effective Feedback to your Students
Consultant: Richard Bruford
Coordinator: Renee Rehfeldt,
» Download Flyer
» Registration


Date: Jan 16-17
School: Yokohama International School

Title: Using Maker Spaces to Build a Culture of Design Thinking
Consultant: John Rinker
Coordinator: Leanne Erickson,
Credit: SUNY
» Download Flyer

Date: Jan 16-17
School: Shanghai American School

Title: Flourishing in Schools: Utilizing groundbreaking research and tools from positive psychology to improve student’s wellbeing.
Consultant: Shaun McElroy
Coordinator: Janet Claassen,
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» Registration

Date: Jan 16-17
School: International School of Kuala Lumpur

Title: Service Learning
Consultant: Cathryn Berger Kaye
Coordinator: Rami Madani,
Credit: SUNY

Date: Jan 16-17
School: Brent International School Manila

Title: Elementary Assessment
Coordinator: Reverend Charles W. Mock,
Consultant: Faye Brownlie
» Downlaod Flyer

Date: Jan 16-17
School: Thai – Chinese International School

Title: Leveraging technology and Innovative strategies in the Math Classroom
Consultant: Wesley Przybylski
Coordinator: Yi-Ling Chu,

Date: Jan 16-17
School: Shekou International School

Title: Inquiry and Assessment for Learning, Pre-K through 2
Consultant: Holly Reardon
Coordinator: Carlene Hamley,

Date: Jan 22-23
School: American International School of Guangzhou

Title: Mobile Learning. Mobile Devices
Consultant: Dana Watts
Coordinator: Jill Watson,
Credit: SUNY

Date: Jan 23-24
School: International School of Beijing

Title: Making Thinking Visible
Consultant: Mark Church
Coordinator: Stacy Stephens,
Credit: SUNY
» Download Flyer | Registration

Date: Jan 23-24
School: Brent International School Manila

Title: Assessment in Middle School and Upper School
Consultant: Faye Brownlie
Coordinator: Reverend Charles W. Mock,
» Download Flyer | Registration

Date: Jan 23-24
School: International School of Bangkok

Title: Gifted education and reaching highly able learners
Consultant: Bronwyn MacLeod
Coordinator: Bronwyn Weale,
Credit: SUNY
» Download Flyer

Date: Jan 23-24
School: Singapore American School

Title: Integrating Service Learning Into Curriculum
Consultant: Cathy Berger Kaye
Coordinator: Treena Casey,
» Download Flyer | Registration

Date: Jan 30-31
School: International School Manila

Title: Writing Workshops and Close Reading in the Inquiry Classroom
Consultant: Kathy Collins
Coordinator: Sam Cook,
» Download Flyer
» Registration site

Language Acquisition

Provide opportunities for ELL/English B students to use the language and concepts you are teaching them in meaningful situations. Include a variety of ways of participating in your instruction, e.g. in cooperative groups. Encourage all students to work with and help ELL/English B students.

Flu vaccine injection

Dear all,

School will organize free flu vaccine injection for you and your family members. Please fill out the form in your pigeonhole and return it to School Clinic or place it in the School Nurse’s pigeonhole by Tuesday Oct. 27.

Global Doctor Clinic will offer on-site service on Thursday Oct.29, from 12:30p.m. to 15:30p.m. @ PYP large room (C116).

Best regards,
Nurse Lilian

PYP Tug-of-war


This Friday, Wutaishan will be hosting tug-of-war.

Please remind your students to wear their house shirts for this incredible event.

1. Organize your students in their houses before heading outside.

2. Please have the students seated by 8:10 in your designated house area on the grass.

3. Read the schedule to take note of your events.

4. Games should run through fairly quickly and not last more than 2 minutes.

5. Make sure that next group is ready to go as soon as previous game ends.

6. Thank you for your support.


Screen Shot 2015-10-26 at 9.30.40 AM

Grade 11 Extended Essay launch lunch Today

Grade 11…

The time has come to launch you into the process of Extended Essay. You have heard about it, read about it, thought about it, talked about it and now you have to make some decisions about it.

The launch lunch will be Today Monday 26th October in the MYP LGR at 12.50.

This is a compulsory event for ALL GRADE 11 STUDENTS.

As it is lunchtime (launchtime?) there will be pizza…. Thanks Dr Saavedra!

Screen Shot 2015-10-20 at 3.52.30 PM

Today’s ETC Field Test

Happy Monday! Today, there is a field test for the upcoming EARCOS conference.

Making Things Better: Design Thinking in the Classroom will be held in C131 (3C, aka Jesse’s classroom) during 2nd lunch (1:20pm). It will be great to see you all there supporting your fellow colleague!


Visit from Warwick Mann

Dear all,

Brain Donn from Warwick Mann ( will be at school on Monday and Tuesday October 26 & 27 to offer financial advice to any teacher or staff member who would like to speak to him. A list of the services offered are on the staff room notice board. The school does not promote any one company but does encourage teachers to plan for the future.

Yearbook Individual Mugshots on Wednesday, Oct. 28

Teachers: Please look at the attached schedule for information concerning photo day. PYP classes should be lined up according to the ID number list (in your pigeon hole) and MYP/DP students should come directly to the PYP LGR where Stine will put them in the correct order. PYP teachers need to bring the list with them to the photo session to give to Stine. Advisory teachers should make sure that their students know when to go for photos. MYP/DP students will be photographed in grade level groups according to A,B,C (“fire evacuation groups”) and need to be in the PYP LGR at least 3 minutes prior to their photo time. Thank you.Yearbook mugshot Oct 2015 Schedule 1

Language Acquisition

Make sure that ELL/English B students are seated where they can see and hear well. Provide them with maximum access to the instructional and linguistic input that you are providing. Involve them in some manner in all classroom activities.

Chess next Wednesday

Time is running out for you to show your strategic brilliance. See your captains/leaders asap about joining your house chess team. Matches will be played on Wednesday lunchtime. All players need to download a chess clock app to their smartphones.

Two boys and two girls needed for each section (G6-8 & G9-12).


Bobby Fischer (Xuanwu captain 1960)
Bobby Fischer (Xuanwu captain 1960)

Field Test

Dear All,

Just a reminder about the upcoming field test presentations for next week. Please come and support your colleagues who are applying to present for ETC 2016. One of the presenters originally scheduled for Wednesday has decided not to present this year. Therefore, we will just have two presentations on Monday and Friday.

Please let me know if you can come to the sessions. I need to know the numbers so I can prepare necessary materials.

Thanks so much!


Monday (10/26) Friday (10/30)
Making Things Better: Design Thinking in the Classroom Cultivating Empathy in the Drama classroom
Location: TBD Location: Drama Classroom
Time: 2nd Lunch (1:20pm) Time: 2nd Lunch (1:20pm)

Visit from Warwick Mann

Dear all,

Brain Donn from Warwick Mann ( will be at school on Monday and Tuesday October 26 & 27 to offer financial advice to any teacher or staff member who would like to speak to him. A list of the services offered are on the staff room notice board. The school does not promote any one company but does encourage teachers to plan for the future.

Many thanks

The Accreditation Visitors had their last day in school yesterday. They wanted to extend thanks to everyone for such a warm welcome and for interesting and enriching conversations.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to making this visit such a success.