Category: Staff

Please Update Your Profile in Veracross (For Teachers)

Please check and keep your contact information (Mobile, Email, etc) up to date in Veracross. Here is how you can do it all by yourself:

1. Login Veracross Teacher Portal 

2. Please find and go to “My Profile” which is at right side of teacher portal.

3. From “My Profile“, you can check and update your contact info. such as mobile phone number and email address.



SCISAC Basketball for Gr 8 – 9

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SCISAC Basketball season starts next week. Sign up on Veracross. Practices are 4.20 – 5.50pm. Girls on Mon & Wed, boys on Tue & Thu. Please note that the tournament clashes with ACAMIS Track & Field so you will not be able to do both.

Track & Field Season starts next week

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For Grades 5 – 12. CISSA practices are Wednesdays and Fridays 3.15 – 4.15pm and ACAMIS practices are Mondays and Wednesdays 4.20 – 5.50pm. Sign up on veracross. Please note that the ACAMIS tournament clashes with SCISAC Bball so you will not be able to do both.

Accidental Theatre Audition

Calling all Grade 9 – 12 actors!

Accidental Theatre Company are planning their third NIS production! This year’s play will be Black Comedy by Peter Shaffer, which has been described as “[one of] the funniest and most brilliant plays in the English language”.

Auditions will take place in the Black Box during lunch time on Wednesday 9th March and Thursday 10th March.

Contact Ms Runte or Mr Brown for an audition extract and further information!!!

Cards for JIS Cleaners – Please sign to show your support

On Tuesday I will be flying to Jakarta – this provides us with an opportunity to get a message delivered from NIS to the cleaners still in custody in the JIS case.  I will be taking a small gift (an NIS lion) and a card for each cleaner and will give them to a JIS staff member to pass on.

There are 6 cards in the staffroom. Please take the time today to write a brief message of support in each card, or just sign your name.

There is a post-it note in each card with the cleaner’s name.

Please note that one card is the for the family of Azwar, who died while in police custody. I have also indicated this on a post-it note in case you wish to adapt your message.

I will collect the cards on Monday afternoon.

Thanks in advance.

Compass Student Trainers

Thank you to all of the students who committed to two and a half days of Compass training last week!

A special note of gratitude to Derron and Maxi for their pre-workshop preparation with Mike and Kaymin.


Suraj, Denny, Kyana


Maxi, Derron, Cosima, Sophia R, José, Angela Y, Kalila


Lianna, Sofia S, Sofia B, Sasha, Kostya, Cameron, Cesar, Chloe


Toshimasa, Luisa, Runzhi