Category: Staff

Are you a writer?

EARCOS has a tri-annual journal that is published every fall, winter and spring. If you are a writer, have you considered writing for the EARCOS Tri-Annual Journal? Articles can be in the area of Curriculum, Green/Sustainable, Campus Development, Service Learning, Community Service and Press Releases. Please let me know if you are interested.

Many thanks,


Language Acquisition

Consider the following questions:
How will you link the content to the students’ previous knowledge?
How will you build background information? (Show a video or read a book aloud about your topic first.)
Decide what language and concepts need to be pre-taught.
How can you develop content area vocabulary? What visuals will you need?

Cindy Presenting at Lunch: Calls for feedback please

Hi all, Cindy will be presenting Algodoo PHUN 3 times today in preparation for ISKL on September 17th-21st. In coming to one of of her presentations, we hope that you learn something, but we also ask that you give feedback.
The presentations are in C136 (beside the Library)

Algodoo PHUN – Science/Physics/Simple Machines app
(3x 5-minute Speed-Geeking presentations – All the same)
Mon Sep 14 (Lunch)

12:55 – 1:00
1:10 – 1:15
1:25 – 1:30

Tomorrow, was ask that you come to the last of the three presentations about:

iTunes/iCloud vs Seesaw
(50 minutes)
Tue Sep 15 (Lunch)
12:30 – 1:30

We hope that you can join us.
Cindy and Tom

Language Acquisition

Design one or more of the following activities for your unit:

Matching vocabulary with definitions

Cloze activity

Drawing and labelling

Labelling maps

Filling out simple charts

Sequencing activity

Advisory Group Teachers – Managebac basics

If you would me to come to your classroom to go through the basics of Managebac with you I would be happy to oblige. If interested please let me know a couple of times you are free next week.

MYP/DP Trip Meetings Tomorrow

Hello fellow intrepid travellers,

A reminder that MYP/DP Discover China meetings are tomorrow morning during Extended Advisory.

Advisors: Please quickly take attendance and send your advisees to their grade-level meetings tomorrow morning. See location reminders below.

Students: Please arrive to advisory on-time and walk quickly to your grade-level meetings. Also, please remind your parents to attend. If they need to know where to go, refer them to last week’s bulletin or this post.

Parents: Please attend! 8:10-8:40am this Friday.

Trip Leaders: Thank you!

Screen Shot 2015-09-09 at 6.53.18 PM



Language Acquisition

Teach students to categorize their information using graphic organizers. Create semantic and story maps.

Language Acquisition

Review and repeat important concepts and vocabulary.

Nurse Contact Details

Good morning,

Please see and save the cell phone number for contacting Nurse Lilian during school hours:
139 5161 7072
Please also remember that Lilian can be contacted by teachers and parents through the email:


35 small notebooks needed for Discover China trip week

Dear Colleagues,  35 small notebooks are needed for Discover China trip week for students to write field notes and other lesson information. If you have some old notebooks and would like to declutter, I would happily take 35 of them off your hands. Please let me know or I will be ordering some new ones. Thank you.

MYP Tech Challenge Results

A fun and exciting Friday afternoon ended with a very tight house race in the MYP Tech Challenge.

The grade 6 winners of the Gliders was Taiping.
The grade 7 winners of the Dominos was Wutaishan.
The grade 8 winners of the Catapults was Wutaishan.
The grade 9 winners of the Rocket Sleds was Wutaishan.
The grade 10 winners of the Tower was Taiping.
Overall Winners of the points from every activity results in a with Wutaishan in first, Taiping in second and Xuanwu in third place. Congratulations to all the students for their participation and enthusiasm.

Inter-House Table Tennis

The Inter-House Table Tennis competitions will take place next week; Grades 9 – 12 on Tuesday lunchtime and Grades 6 – 8 on Wednesday lunchtime. Each House will need a team of two girls and two boys for each of these days. If you are interested in playing in one of these competitions please see your House captains or House leaders as soon as you can.