Category: Staff

Library- White tubs and trolleys

Hi Teachers-

The library and resource room are missing many of their white storage tubs- thanks for sending any back that you might have in your rooms.

Also, please note that if you borrow the blue trolleys from the library at the end of the year, please bring them back promptly. They are vital for our end-of-year tasks as well.


The Library Staff

C+S Award applications being taken now!

Attention MYP Students,

Applications for the prestigious C+S Award are being taken between today and Monday, June 15th at 8am. As long as you meet the criteria and submit to Mr. Hutchison before the deadline, you win! You’ve already done the service, let’s celebrate it (The also looks great on Uni applications :-). See the attached criteria and linked application template. Your HR teachers have this information as well.

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Upgrade Your Computer!

Please use the following link to sign up for a time to have your computer upgraded.

We will back up your computer for you, but suggest you complete your own backup as well.

All staff computers must be upgraded to Yosemite and have Microsoft Office installed before the start of the 2015/2016 school year, so we appreciate your help in making this happen.

Thanks to those who have already signed up!
If you have questions, please email


The Duck Is In Flight

This year’s fantastic edition of the Purple Duck arts and literary magazine was launched into flight last night at a magical party featuring PYP song and Bollywood dance, art installations and literary readings at the open mic, followed by live music from several acts, all taking place on several stages. It was a music and arts festival quite unlike anything NIS has seen before.

A big thank you to everyone who contributed to this year’s magazine – we couldn’t have done it without your talents. And a very big thank you to those who performed last night – graciously, poetically, and movingly – and those who helped put the evening together, in small ways and large. Special thank yous to Ms.Yuen for her usual professional photographic work, and to Mr.Kay for all his time, his wealth of experience, and for the use of his venerable desktop computer.

And finally, a huge flap of the Purple Duck’s wings goes out in appreciation to the Purple Duck team for their inspired party-organising skills and for all their hard work spent bringing you the best arts and literary magazine in China! This year’s team was: Michelle Lei, Maristella Witt, Emma Sonevang, Brydie Dwyer, Jannik Schwachta, Minna Sonevang, Alicia Liu and Sophia Liu.

Don’t forget, the Purple Duck magazine will be on sale at various outlets over the next two weeks. Make sure you get one before they sell out! A mere 60RMB for one, 100RMB for two!

Tech Committee Meeting Today

Join us for a Tech Committee Meeting today at lunch in the MYP LGR. This informal group meets occasionally to discuss NIS Tech topics and help plan for the future of Tech @ NIS.

All interested staff are welcome/encouraged to attend.

Topics on tap for this week:

  • Technology and Information Literacy
  • Yosemite updates
  • Microsoft Office roll-out INSET
  • Acceptable use guidelines
  • Minimum vs. recommended


Dear Colleagues,
Please remember that the PYP LGR and kitchen is unavailable for bookings during the school day for the remainder of the school year as this is the temporary learning space for our LSS students and teachers.

Thank you,


GAMEDAY is returning today during lunch in the PYP LGR (the temporary LSS area). Bring your games, bring your friends, bring some food (for the teachers of course), and bring some skills! Spoons, Jenga, Uno and many many more!

Bring. It. On.

In case of weather for ducks…

Don’t worry. It won’t rain on the Duck’s parade!

If rain looks likely tomorrow evening, Plan B will be the Centre Cafe, as originally planned. The party will go on…!


The Duck Has Landed!

It’s that time of year again! The Purple Duck, 2015 edition, has arrived.

It’s a glossy, all-colour collection of the very best of an excellent year’s work, done by students (and a few teachers) in visual arts and creative writing. And to launch this new issue, the Purple Duck team is hosting a garden party. Come along for an al fresco, candle-lit evening of song and dance, art and poetry.

Please ignore the purple posters that have been telling you for a week now to go to the Centre Cafe! It’s a ruse to confuse – a commonly used literary technique that adds mystery and a pleasant sense of bewilderment. Instead, come to the patio area at the back of the Design Centre (make your way through the cafeteria to get there – if lost, follow the purple string…).

The evening starts at 7pm. The Purple Duck tradition of open mic continues, so bring your own favourite song, poem or other piece of literature to read. Wear purple if you can. And don’t forget – for a pittance – to pick up your own copy of this year’s magazine, on sale for the first time at the party. Be the first in your street to get your hands on this year’s magazine!

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Grade 7’s on Xuanwu Lake Maths Trail Field Trip

This is just a reminder to any Grade 7 teachers that this Thursday, June 4, the 7th graders will be away blocks 1-4 (until lunch) on a math field trip. Enjoy the free blocks!

Thanks for your understanding!

Michelle, Dan, and Bronwyn

It was a starless and tempestuous evening…

Reminder: Authors choose words with intention…what were they thinking? Come and deconstruct opening sentences with us. Bring your own favourite opening line if you wish!

When: Today June 3, 13:20 – 13:50 (second half of lunch)

Where: Library picture book corner

Audience: all K2-G12 literature teachers (English, Mandarin, German, Spanish, French)

Why: Jacqui P. and Marina would like to share a learning experience


Green Team Vegetable sale Wednesday at 4:00 PM

Weather permitting, the green team should have enough harvest to have another vegetable sale today.  There will be veggies, basil plants, and free herbs.

Come out and support the Green team.  Live a healthy life.


Wolves 0 – Forest(ers) 1

Well, it was a jolly scene on the stage of the NIS theatre last night, when, in a cheery, upbeat medley of your favourite folktales and mine, the foresters proved the heroes of the evening. No sooner had one member of our Union expertly removed a random bear’s liver and kidneys with one beautiful, swift upper cut that was a joy for any forestry professional to see, than another sterling representative of our venerable organisation had coolly gutted a wolf in full view of the admiring audience, thus heroically releasing a naive young girl and her alcoholic, cake-addicted grandmother. Their sheer professionalism was a joy to behold, especially compared to the amateurish attempts by other cast members at removing their own toes and poisoning their frankly rather dim step-daughters. As we say in the trade, if you want the job done cleanly, get a strapping forester in to do it! A marvellous night’s entertainment was had by all.

The Daily Acorn: Magazine of The Amalgamated Union of Foresters, Woodcutters and Other Jolly Hunting Types

Parental Advisory! Parents of wolf cubs, stay away from the NIS stage, where a thoroughly depressing saga has been performed at the expense of the very lives of fellow wolves. Yes, a wolf is sacrificed nightly to the feral demands of a rampant human audience who constantly fail to see beyond the ancient stereotypes that enforce the usual discrimination against us wolves. Little do humans realise that we are currently the demographic that consumes more conditioner and shampoo than any other mammalian consumer of household products (apart from the bear, another grossly misunderstood fellow sufferer, one of whom was gruesomely disembowelled on stage in the same cruel performance last night)*. When will this exploitation end, brothers and sisters? When will humans realise that a wolf never ate a grandmother and a small girl all in one sitting? When will they understand that this is not even possible, and show a more realistic scenario, in which suburban wolves return home via a pamper session from the supermarket in their family saloon and unpack frozen human body parts to store in their basement freezer like any other family? These old folktales must be updated! Boycott this show in protest, fellow wolves! You enter the theatre at your peril.

The Weekly Wolf

* The Economist, May 2014