Category: Staff

Bake Sale – Grade 10 Mandarin Class

Come to the foyer this Friday break and lunch. We will be selling brownies and nutella rolls for 5 kuai each! All donations go to the Amy Yang foundation. See you there!

– Ebba, Ilaria & Anabel

Come to the foyer this Friday at break an lunch. We will be selling chocolate cupcakes for 10¥ and will be hosting a cake raffle so come down to get a chance to win an entire carrot cake. Raffle tickets will be 5¥. All proceeds will be donated to the Amy Yang Foundation. Hope to see you there!

– Sophia, Freja, Raphael, Ryan

This Friday, in the foyer, come visit Sweet Street for some wonderful treats. We will be selling pink lemonade for 5¥, lemon bars for 10¥, cookies for 10¥ and cake pops for 5¥. We can’t wait for you all to come and enjoy our delicious sweets. All of the procedes will go to Ray of Light Cambodia so don’t wait to come down and support us!

– Lauren, Megan, Sanjana


A HUGE well done done to cast and crew involved in Grimm Tales!! You were all amazing!

Last night was fantastic, let’s make tonight even better!

‘The Devil’s Chord Has Been Sung’

‘Atonal. The devil’s chord – never to be played or sung – has been sung on stage at NIS tonight. I have never experienced such a play of flattened fourths’. Amy Keus

‘Stunning costuming, big 80’s hair. I felt right at home.’  Simon leBon

‘A shocking depiction of the evil that lies at the heart of all students. I gnawed off my own toes in agony’  Aleister Crowley

Grimm School Drama Shock!


Parents beware! If you cherish your childhood memories of Disney fairy fantasies, where the prince gets the girl and the monsters are cute and lovable, keep your children away from the latest NIS school production! Murder follows murder, eyes are pecked out, toes are cut off, hearts are eaten live on stage, witches are boiled alive, queens die painful deaths in blood-filled cast iron dancing shoes. The whole auditorium resounds to the deafening sound of screams and shrieks – and that’s just the actors. It’s horrible, parents, horrible! No child should be allowed to witness such terrors! Keep them at home tomorrow night and show them Barbie!

The place to stay away from is the school theatre, the time to avoid is 7pm. Those who make the mistake of arriving early will be unlucky enough to get a seat with a full, uninterrupted view of the hideous events unfolding on stage.

Puckeridge, The Times

Tech Committee Meeting

Join us for a Tech Committee Meeting Friday June 5th at lunch (location to be confirmed). This informal group meets occasionally  to discuss NIS Tech topics and help plan for the future of Tech @ NIS.

All interested staff are welcome/encouraged to attend.

Topics on tap for this week:

  • Technology and Information Literacy
  • Yosemite updates
  • Microsoft Office roll-out INSET
  • Acceptable use guidelines
  • Minimum vs. recommended

Green Card Invitation

For those who are confused: By placing the green card on your classroom door, you are inviting other teachers to drop in. By creating a culture of sharing best practice, we will create a culture of learning from each other in informal and unexpected ways.

Please do drop in to other people’s classrooms even if just for a minute or two.

You have been invited!

Green Invitation

Sign up for Computer Upgrade

Please use the following link to sign up for a time to have your computer upgraded.

We will back up your computer for you, but suggest you complete your own backup as well.

All staff computers must be upgraded to Yosemite and have Microsoft Office installed before the start of the 2015/2016 school year, so we appreciate your help in making this happen.

If you have questions, please email


“It was a dark and stormy night…”

What: Authors choose words with intention…what were they thinking? Come and deconstruct opening sentences with us.

When: Wednesday June 3, 13:20 – 13:50 (second half of lunch)

Where: Library picture book corner

Audience: all K2-G12 literature teachers (English, Mandarin, German, Spanish, French)

Why: Jacqui P. and Marina would like to share a learning experience



GAMMMME DAY!!! Will return…

Next week. Due to some scheduling conflicts, there will be no game day today. Next Friday, we will have a HUGE return with games galore. Be ready.

“And sure enough even waiting will end….if you can just wait long enough.”-William Faulkner

MYP/DP Student Council

I’m looking for a colleague to run SC with me next year.

Nickie is leaving and has been the powerhouse behind SC this year, with me tagging along and learning the ropes.

We meet once a week (with a few exceptions) and run the Talent Show and the Art Auction amongst other events. Student Voice!

This covers your entire ASA requirements….


Please let me know if you are interested.

Life 101

Hello. Just a reminder for teachers to please come by to sign up for a Life 101 course for next year. Each course block requires three teachers. There are 45 slots left to fill.

If you would like to trial a new unit for Grade 7 and/or Grade 8 on ‘Six Thinking Hats’ and/or ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ please also let me know. I have all the resources you would need.


Green team Vegetable sale moved to today

Yesterday, the weather was not permitting so the Green Team vegetable sale did not take place.

The vegetable sale will take place today ( thursday May 28th) and the trolly will be out in the center foyer at 4 PM. The mint, rosemary and coriander will be available at no cost.

The Green Team will be selling small Basil plants for 5 RMB so please consider buying Basil for your home and having fresh Basil leaves on demand.

EY Guests

Please welcome 5 teachers from Suzhou Singapore International School who will be visiting our EY classes today.

16″ Softball! Play Ball

Come out to the field at 4 to play some good ol’ fashioned Chicago Style softball (weather permitting). All teachers and students grade 6 and above are invited to come! No experience necessary. Let me know if you have any questions.

If you don’t use inches, here is a diagram with a coin, wiffle ball, magic 8 ball, softball, and cantaloupe to show you exactly how big a 16 inch softball is!

ball lineup

Easy to catch and easy to hit!

“There’s no place like home (plate).”-Dorothy Gale (she forgot the last word)