Category: Staff

SISAC Badminton

On Saturday, April 11th, the NIS badminton team participated in the SISAC badminton tournament. One team ( of 8 players) went to Shanghai for the Division I tournament and another team (also of 8 players) went to Suzhou for the Division II tournament.

Both teams played hard all day and both teams finished in second place in their respective divisions. This is a great result for both teams and the players were very happy to collect their
respective trophies.

NIS was the only school in this years SISAC badminton competition to place in the top three of both divisional tournaments. Well done NIS shuttlers.

PingAn & OWC Monthly Visit

Dear overseas staff,

PingAn & OWC monthly visit will be on Apr. 22, 2015 (Wednesday) from 11:30 to 16:00 in the Board Meeting Room (H303) @ the Centre.

Best wishes,



Scotland Yard Inquirer – STOP PRESS

Police Newsflash…

The search goes on for two men (quite possibly women) who have been seen impersonating our very own Inspector Hound. While the Inspector realizes that imitation is an often-used form of flattery, he is nevertheless rather annoyed, especially as one of the impostors committed cold-blooded murder while in disguise. The name of one imposter may well be Puckeridge, as this name was used by his (or her) victim in her dying words.

In other news, obituaries will soon be published for two illustrious critics gunned down on stage in the middle of an otherwise rather tedious country house murder mystery. Ernest Higgs and Ernestina Moon, of First Rate Entertainment Weekly and Second Rate Daily News respectively, were murdered on stage by an unknown assailant masquerading as Inspector Hound. A police search is underway, led, of course, by the REAL Inspector Hound.

And finally, in entertainment news, Albert(a) Puckeridge has recently been appointed chief critic of First Rate Entertainment Weekly. This represents a huge promotion for the hitherto unknown critic, who is rather a man (woman) of mystery. The promotion is being treated as suspicious…

This is the end of the police message.

The Post-Preview Reviews

‘The Real Inspector Hound’ ended its highly successful run in the Black Box last night with barnstorming performances from all concerned. The atrociously melodramatic performances of absurd stock characters were taken to new heights while simultaneously plumbing new depths. The cunning plot hatched by the crazed author of this tragicomic, parodic satire broke brave new ground whilst burying itself in cliche. Acting against type, actors created new stereotypes for themselves. Stars were born, exploded in supernovae, and collapsed in the space of an evening. I will say this for it – the wallpapering held up nobly throughout.

The cast will now move out on tour, and the Black Box will return to its usual empty self. But something tells me that the Accidental Theatre Company will return. Perhaps when the cuckoo-beard is next in blossom…

by Puckeridge, newly installed as chief critic at First Rate Entertainment Weekly (and wheelchair reviewer for Saga magazine), now available for consultation for aspiring young thespians.

PS  ‘I laughed so hard my tooth fell out!’  Eva Clarke

First night reviews…

Last night’s opening night was a great success, despite a couple of unexpected deaths and the strange disappearance of a prominent critic (and one less prominent critic). Here are some of the latest reviews…

‘A rattling good evening out. I was held.’ Birdboot, First Rate Entertainment Weekly (his last review, published posthumously)

‘Does this play know where it is going?’  Moon, Second String Daily News (her last review, published…there’s a pattern forming here, if I’m not mistaken)

‘The author has given us – yes, I will go so far – the human condition.’ Life…Or Is It? – The Philosopher’s Weekly


Sports Trips Fri 17th April

ACAMIS Track & Field and NUX Basketball are both going out on Friday 17th April (Day 2). Track & Field miss Blocks 2 – 5 and NUX basketball miss Blocks 1 – 5. See attached lists. They should all be sending their teachers OLFs this week. Thanks for your flexibility and support.

NUX Roster

ACAMIS Track & Field Roster

iPad Pilot Q&A – April 15

We need your help!

Calling all teachers/staff (PYP, MYP, DP). You are invited to an iPad Pilot Q&A on April 15 at 3:15 (location TBA).

Please come and play the role of a parent as we run through our compressed interactive iPad workshop and Q&A session. We appreciate your help as we prepare for the Parent workshop which will run on April 18.

Staff- Books for the Break!

Don’t forget to stop by the library before Friday to get some books for the break. Below are some of the newly arrived fiction and professional titles.

If anyone is interested in the Overdrive eBooks please let me know, I am happy to help get you started!



Inspector Hound has issued a health warning regarding unfortunate new discoveries in the Black Box:

HEALTH ADVISORY: The public are warned that the reality/artifice boundaries are dangerously unstable in certain areas of the Black Box. The public is reminded that only professional actors are able to withstand the atmospheric pressures of artifice. Members of the public are advised to stay in their seats; on no account should they cross these boundaries – doing so may endanger both mental and physical health.

Oooh, how very ToK!!!

Student-Led Conferences Tomorrow!

Hello Again MYP Students,

Tomorrow we will have our annual student-led conferences! At some point on the day, between 8am-4pm, you will come to campus with a parent (or another willing adult if your parents are both unable to attend), sign-in in the Centre foyer, and pop into each of your classrooms for a student led (that means you!) activity, showing off what you have learned.

This is not a “normal” school day, but this IS a mandatory school day. You can come anytime, but you should give yourself about three or four hours to make the rounds. It is very important that you bring a charged laptop as well.

See you then!

Language Acquisition

Helping Non Native Speaker Understand Written Texts 2
Give students as much background knowledge as possible.

A message from Inspector Hound…

‘The web is closing in, like a fog when the cuckoo-beard is in bloom.’

Make of that what you will.

The Real Inspector Hound, Wednesday, 1st April and Thursday, 2nd April

— STOP PRESS!!! — Due to popular demand, a limited supply of extra tickets may be available. See the Accidental Theatre Company for further details.