Please find attached the list of the ten G8-11 students who will attend the CISS MUN on Friday Jan 16th. They will miss all classes on Friday 16th. CISSMUN
PM2.5 Readings in Week18
Please see enclosed weekly PM2.5 data from Facility Team.
PingAn Insurance Monthly Visit on Wednesday 14 January
Health Insurance Team- OWC/PingAn is visiting NIS on next Wednesday, 14 January 2015 @ 11.30am ~ 4.00pm.
Please feel free to meet them at Board Meeting Room on 3rd floor of the Centre, or send your inquiry to:
The Sound of Music Musical in Shanghai
“The hills are alive with the sound of music” in Shanghai!
For tickets, you need to email:
Welcome Back! and update on INSET
Happy New Year and Welcome back! I hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable holiday whether away or in Nanjing.
It’s hard to believe that we only have another 6 weeks before Chinese New Year. As you know, we will be running a significant portion of the February INSET (Feb 23-27) in a conference format. Thanks to those teachers who have already contacted me to lead sessions. We still have a few slots open, so please let me know by the end of this week if you would like to lead an hour session for some of your colleagues. Stop by and see me if you have any questions.
All the best for 2015,