Category: Student

A message from Inspector Hound…

‘The web is closing in, like a fog when the cuckoo-beard is in bloom.’

Make of that what you will.

The Real Inspector Hound, Wednesday, 1st April and Thursday, 2nd April

— STOP PRESS!!! — Due to popular demand, a limited supply of extra tickets may be available. See the Accidental Theatre Company for further details.

The Real Inspector Hound

A pre-preview preview was held in the Black Box yesterday evening. These are some reviews of the preview (only the good ones, of course)…

No-one will leave the house! Scotland Yard Inquirer

Wonderful wallpapering! Town and Country

I almost fell asleep! John Rinker

Student-Led Conferences Wednesday This Week

Hello MYP Students,

On Wednesday we will have our annual student-led conferences! At some point on the day, between 8am-4pm, you will come to campus with a parent (or another willing adult if your parents are both unable to attend), sign-in in the Centre foyer, and pop into each of your classrooms for a student led (that means you!) activity, showing off what you have learned.

This is not a “normal” school day, but this IS a mandatory school day. You can come anytime, but you should give yourself about three or four hours to make the rounds. It is very important that you bring a charged laptop as well.

See you then!

Earth Hour Thanks

Many thanks to everyone who helped to make the Earth Hour event such a success on Saturday. The students, teachers and parents involved in organising activities were fantastic. Those who performed in some way were wonderful. Facilities performed miracles as always.

Don’t let it be in vain-USE YOUR POWER to make some small changes that could make a big difference.

The winners of the best ‘trashion’ outfits were Sophia Rinker and Sofia Saavedra Adams. The eco-logo and bin designs competitions will be judged this week.

We interrupt this bulletin for a police message…

Further to the unfortunate discovery of a dead body in the Black Box on Friday last, the police would like to announce the opening of an investigation into the circumstances of death, if, indeed, death it is proved to be, as it were. In order to facilitate this investigation, we would like to urge the NIS community to put themselves, as it were, into the hands of Scotland Backyard’s finest, Inspector Hound.

The Inspector will be present, in person and in attendance, as it were, at NIS on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Meanwhile, the Inspector urges the community not to be in the least worried – even though it seems that the killer is in our midst – and to take our minds off the matter by being on the lookout for a sinister and mysterious personage described as being of medium height and build, wearing a darkish suit and lightish shirt, and quite possibly behaving, or indeed acting, as a madman.

Further to this announcement, the Inspector has made a request for aid in identifying the as yet unclaimed dead body, described as longish, tallish and thinnish. Anyone who thinks they may know, or personally be acquainted with, a dead body that fits this description is politely, but not too politely, asked to be in attendance at the Black Box on Wednesday, 1st April and Thursday, 2nd April at 7pm precisely, when all, as is the manner of these things, will be revealed.

Overdue library books

zombie librarians6A-  Noah, Ida

6B- Yoonji, Ben, Levi

6C- none

7A- Kharis, Lena F.,Tillman

7B- Felicity

7C- Donghwan, Chuan

8A- Toshi

8B- Sophia L., Lucas S.

8C- Yoojin, Sally

9A- Alex, Chloe, Lianna, Johanna

9B- Brian, Zeju

9C- Ilwoo, Seungyeon, Ji Hyun, Dong Young

10B- Hajin, Sangjun, Poppy, Jungyoon, Bruce

10C- Anabel, Seungjun, Jun Pyo, Sonja

10D- Lauren, Chanho, Tae Gun, Jiayi, Dina, Alex

Murder in the Black Box!

The Accidental Theatre Company is sorry to report that a murder has taken place in the Black Box. It’s really rather annoying – there’s blood everywhere! Have you ever tried getting blood out of a carpet? It’s no fun, believe me.

Anyway, the body is as yet unidentified. In fact, it’s still lying there. We’re not entirely sure what to do with an unidentified dead body, actually. Suggestions on a postcard, please.

‘The Real Inspector Hound’, Black Box, 7pm, Wednesday 1st April & Thursday 2nd April. Tickets (the few that are left) available from the receptionist in the Centre lobby.


3 days to go till Earth Hour.

To prepare:

  • Make your trashion outfit and send a description to Luke Messom
  • Design an eco logo and hand it in to me in C122 (named)
  • Design a fun rubbish bin and hand the drawing in to me (named)
  • Plan your ‘nude food’ picnic and pack your picnic blanket, torch/flashlight/glow-in-the-dark frisbee etc.
  • Remind your parents they are responsible for you

Set-up begins at 2 pm. The event begins at 6pm with the Trashion Show at 6:10pm.

See you there!

‘Profoundly superficial, deeply shallow…’

These are the latest reviews to come from those lucky enough to have discovered the top secret rehearsal space of the Accidental Theatre Company as they prepare their ground-breaking, genre-hopping, confoundingly confusing production of Tom Stoppard’s ‘The Real Inspector Hound’.

Tickets are disappearing fast! They are only available from the receptionist in the Centre lobby. Do not be fooled by touts – no other outlet is licensed to sell tickets except this one! Don’t miss the greatest show since…er…since 7th March when the real Ed Sheeran played Chennies! Get your tickets while you still can!

Shows begin at 7pm on the evenings of Wednesday, 1st April and Thursday, 2nd April!

The Real Inspector Hound

STOP PRESS!! Quick! There has been an unprecedented run on tickets in the last 24 hours! Half the available seats have been taken already! If you don’t want to miss this star-studded, ground-breaking, hilariously tragic and miserably comic production, get across to the Centre lobby as soon as you possibly can to claim your free ticket!

Special shows are on Wednesday, 1st April and Thursday, 2nd April, at 7pm in the Black Box.

MYP/DP Production Auditions

We are pleased to announce another MYP/DP production is coming your way. ‘Grimm Tales’ (adapted by Carol Ann Duffy) will be performed on 1st and 2nd June 2015.

We are holding auditions on the following days:

Monday 30th March

Tuesday 31st March

Lunchtime (1st half) in the Black Box.

If you are a student from grades 6-11 interested in performing in this show please sign-up and collect an audition extract from Ms Philip or Mr Brown.

Look forward to seeing you!

Use your power

Use your power,

Don’t wait for Earth Hour!

Please, please, please help by only putting paper used on both sides in the large painted recycling bins! It is very disheartening to find paper which is clean on one side and which can be used again for scrap or for printing. Sort paper before recycling. Thank you.

Earth Hour- Small jars and tins needed

In preparation for Earth Hour arts & crafts, we are collecting used aluminum/tin cans and small glass jars for candle holder creations. Please note:

  • please check that tin cans have no sharp edges along the rim
  • smaller glass jars are needed. Your help in removing all labels would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for bringing any donations to the Library or PYP Design Room  (John Rinker’s Room) before March 27.

Thanks in advance!


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The Real Inspector Hound

The Accidental Theatre Company returns with their spring production – Tom Stoppard’s ‘The Real Inspector Hound’. For two nights only, this acclaimed company has kindly agreed to present their latest show – an intriguing country house murder mystery / inquiry into the very nature of existence and truth – in special review for the enjoyment of a limited audience before they go out on tour*. Critics from local and national press will be in attendance.

The two shows will be presented in the Black Box at 7pm on the evenings of Wednesday, 1st April and Thursday, 2nd April. Tickets are available from all regular outlets (Centre lobby) and are FREE!

* Catch the show while you can before it goes out on tour: Shanghai, Beijing, Ulan Baator, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Murmansk, Spitzbergen and Reykjavik – schedule TBA (dependent on hitch-hiking opportunities and conditions of spring pack ice).

Early reviews have this to say:

It has scale. It has colour… Large as it is, it is a small masterpiece.
Moon, Second Rate Daily Times

It has a beginning, a middle, and I have no doubt it will have an end. For that, let us give thanks…
Birdboot, First Rate Entertainment Periodical

There are moments, and I would not begrudge it this, when the play, if we can call it that, and I think that on balance we can, aligns itself uncompromisingly on the side of life. Je suis, it seems to be saying, ergo sum.
Moon, Second Rate Daily Times

Sartre meets Shakespeare, Beckett meets Beckham, Joyce meets E.L.James in fifty shades of mauve.
Andrew Kay (NIS Promotions & Props Co.Ltd.)

Without pace, point, focus, interest, drama, wit or originality…
IB Educational Supplement

Some of the cast seem to have given up acting altogether…
Purple Duck


“When the sword becomes words” – Students of many nations sing for peace (C&S Activity) – G5-12

Like singing? Like trying to sing? In conjunction with schools around the world and the Middle school next to NIS, NIS students have the opportunity to collaborate in singing “One Day” by Matisyahu. This will be videoed and compiled with other schools into a video clip. NIS students will sing in conjunction with our friends in the Chinese school next door. We plan on meeting on Tue 31 March to practice and then on April 2nd to video. If interested please register on C&S / CAS signup link on Veracross. You can email me or Ms Bonnie for more information.