Still some places left in the Pfrang Association trip to Northern Jiangsu Province on April 19th and 20th. The trip will be an opportunity for you to understand more about life in the Chinese countryside and for you to meet some of the students that Pfrang sponsors. Please email me for details. It will also be an opportunity for you to think more about how NIS can interact with the Pfrang students.
Don’t Forget – ACAMIS Middle School Cultural Convention (May 28-29) – Signups close Monday 3.00pm
Don’t Forget! Signup for ACAMIS Middle School (G6,7 and 8) Cultural Convention (May 28 and 29) will close Monday at 3.00pm
You can get more information from the convention website:
If you are interested please sign up on the Cultural Activities Registration link on Veracross by Monday 3.00pm. We expect the approximate cost of this activity will be 1600rmb. After you signup we will send out more information to you.
Please do not sign up on the SCIS Cultural Convention website at this stage.
If you have any questions please contact me or your arts / performing arts teachers.
Lost & Found
Lost: iPhone 4, a pair of blue Nike runners
Found: 2 cell phones, 6 watches, a Macbook charger, a gold bracelet
Please see Mrs Tyoschin
MYP Tech Challenge Results
A fun and exciting Friday afternoon ended with a very tight house race in the MYP Tech Challenge. The total score for each event included points from 1st to 15th place and points for participation if the challenge was not achieved.
- The grade 6 winners of the Parachuts was Taiping.
- The grade 7 winners of the Rockets was Wutaishan.
- The grade 8 winners of the Bridges was Wutaishan.
- The grade 9 winners of the Earthquake tower was Xuanwu.
- The grade 10 winners of the Pilar strength was Taiping.
Overall Winners of the points from every activity results in a with Taiping in first, Wutaishan in second and Xuanwu in third place. Congratulations to all the students for their participation and enthusiasm.
MYP/DP Production Auditions
We are pleased to announce another MYP/DP production is coming your way. ‘Grimm Tales’ (adapted by Carol Ann Duffy) will be performed on 1st and 2nd June 2015.
We are holding auditions on the following days:
Monday 30th March
Tuesday 31st March
Lunchtime (1st half) in the Black Box.
If you are a student from grades 6-11 interested in performing in this show please sign-up and collect an audition extract from Ms Philip or Mr Brown.
Look forward to seeing you!
ASA Cycle 3 Signup is now closed
ASA Cycle 3 Online Signup is now closed. Please note that only students who have signed up for ASAs may attend. If you wish to signup now you should contact me to see if there are vacancies.
Courtyard outside of cafeteria closed today due to Tech Challenge set-up
The courtyard outside of cafeteria closed today due to Tech Challenge set-up. Please enjoy your lunch in another location for today.
MYP Tech Challenge-when and where?
Today is the MYP Tech Challenge after lunch!
To avoid the long hallway being filled with MYP students and blocking the passageway for teachers and PYP students, the MYP Students will be lining up in grade levels outside of the foyer in the courtyard (under the roof). Please start lining 5-10 minutes before the end of lunch. Leave your bags in your lockers.
There will be 5 teams per house per grade level. While waiting in line, please start organizing your teams. There may be less students because of swim meet and other activities. Each house can still have 5 teams to have most chances for success.
Here are the locations for each grade:
- Grade 6: Robotics Area (Ms. Weatherly)
- Grade 7: C154 / Drama Room (please go straight there) (Mr. Orteza)
- Grade 8: Back Courtyard area (enter via the cafeteria) (Ms. Fox)
- Grade 9: Hallway between gym and design centre (Mr. Messom)
- Grade 10: Workshop (Mr. Wiggins)
Enjoy you afternoon and represent your house well.
Inter House Trivia Challenge
Congratulations to Xuanwu, winners of the Inter House Trivia Challenge yesterday. Wutaishan came in 2nd whilst, the overall leaders, Taiping came in 3rd. This closes the gap a bit for the House Shield but Taiping still well out in front. Current points are:
Taiping 675
Wutaishan 605
Xuanwu 560
MYP/DP Book Week Assembly!
Breaking News: MYP/DP Book Week Assembly this Friday at 8am sharp! in the PAC
Our prestigious visiting author, Mr. Ed Vere, will be speaking with us on Friday morning…
Now listen….We went to great lengths to hand-pick this literary professional… just for you, arranged (and paid) for him to fly (literally) across the world…just for you, created an entire schedule to get the most out of his visit in your Arts blocks… just for you, coordinated with your block one teachers to allow this assembly to run until 9:00… just for you, brought in a book fair… just for you, took untold numbers of “shelfies,” wrote “spine poems,” and heard the story “Bananas!” at least two dozen times (just for you)…. The least you can do is be on-time come Friday morning, right?
See you then!
What if you are an ACAMIS swimmer? No worries! Ed Vere will stop the assembly at 8:40…just for you… and excuse the team. Please wait until he lets you go (don’t go by your phone, watch, or “spidey-senses.” Thanks.
slow network? email
We’ve been hearing student’s having slow network issues. If that is the case for you, email and provide us with some details. Knowing time of day, web address, and location is useful is figuring out a solution.
Grade 10 Work Week Reminder
Grade 10s – Please remember that your provisional plans are due by the end of the month. Make sure you are moving on this now and that you are seeking help if you need it.
The website is here:
FYI – I will be out of school from this Friday until Monday 30th March.
ACT testing @NIS
The ACT test is held at school on Saturday 18 April. More about the test itself here.
You need to register online HERE:
Cost: 434RMB No Writing or 533RMB with Writing
Test centre code: 872250
Action for Service Expo June 2nd @Shanghai C&S / CAS G7-11
The second Action for Service Expo will be held in Shanghai on June 2nd. The Expo is an opportunity for students to showcase NIS C&S / CAS activities and to learn about Service activities that other schools have undertaken. If you would like to attend please email me for more information. This is a 3 point C&S activity.