Category: Student

CISSA & NUX Basketball – sign ups are open

The CISSA and NUX basketball season is nearly upon us. Sign ups are now open on Veracross. Open to all Gr5 – 8 boys and girls of all levels of experience and ability. Practices start next week:

Jr (Gr5-6) boys & girls: Mon 4.15 – 5.30pm and Wed 3.15 – 4.15pm

Sr (Gr7-8) Boys & Girls: Tue & Thu 4.15pm – 5.30pm


Seeking Spine Poets and Shelfies for Book Week

Book week is coming up (March 16th-20th) and we would like your help with a couple of things:

  1. Shelfies – Bookshelf + Selfie = Shelfie
  2. Spine Poetry – Stack up books to create a poem or short story

Submissions should be placed in the proper folder on student large storage here afp:// Week 2015 (link only works in Safari)

For more information, there are examples and instructions in the folder or you can email

Submissions will be vetted and streamed via LCD screens during book week.

ACAMIS Swim Meet Helpers – MYP C&S

We are still looking for some MYP students to help with the ACAMIS Swim Meet on Friday and Saturday March 20 and 21. Please sign up on the C&S link on Veracross. Please note that if you sign up for Friday you will need to complete an OLF that will be sent to you after you sign up.


MCPHS University, formerly Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Screen Shot 2015-03-08 at 7.24.52 PMMCPHS University (Massachusetts, Manchester, New Hampshire.)

Monday 9th March 9.15am @HS Counsellor’s Office – Talks for prospective students on pharmacy, premed, nursing or other healthcare majors. Information on careers out there for students who chose to major in the health sciences. Email me NOW if you are interested in attending… Grade 10, 11 and 12 students, at the discretion of their teachers.

MYP/ DP Library Overdues

Thanks for bringing them back!

  • 6A-  Noah, Eric, Ida
  • 6B- Suyeon, Yoonji, Ben, Lucy, Levi
  • 6C- Austin
  • 7A- Kharis, Gloria, Lena F.,Tillman, Ang
  • 7B- Felicity, Hae In, Eunsuh
  • 7C- Donghwan, Arron, Runzhou, Chuan, Apple
  • 8A- Toshi, Nancy
  • 8B- Sophia L., Lucas S.
  • 8C- Yoojin, Irving, Runzhi, Sally
  • 9A- Alex, Chloe, Lianna, Wonjun, Charles, Johanna
  • 9B- Isobel, Julien, Brian, Zeju
  • 9C- Ilwoo, Seungyeon, Ji Hyun, Dong Young
  • 10B- Ellie, Hajin, Sangjun, Poppy, Jungyoon, Bruce
  • 10C- Abby, Anabel, Seungjun, Jun Pyo, Sonja, Sophia
  • 10D- Lauren, Ebba, Chanho, Tae Gun, Jiayi, Dina, Alex

DP: Elissa, William, Denny, Elena, Isnadya, Alice, Nam Won, Emma, Erica, Mohamad, Arianna, Pan, Rhys, Lena

Displaced People

Dear NIS,  This year the ‘shanty town experience’ is being replaced with a ‘displaced people experience’. For this to be successful we need a large collection of materials for Grade 8 to use to build shelters. As this will be in March / April this year they will need to keep warm and dry. We are looking for cardboard boxes, tarpaulins, plastic sheeting, string, wood, bamboo poles and whatever else would be useful for shelter construction. We only want used items.

If you have anything please bring to our classrooms (D220), the Design Centre, or contact us and we will collect. We are the Grade 8 Humanities team (Ruth, Rebecca and Laurie) and the Grade 8 Design team (Francis, Robin and Nikolai). Many thanks.


A message from the Purple Duck

Greetings! The Purple Duck is now beginning preparations for its 2015 edition – to be published in June. The editorial team is now collecting submissions of original writing and art work. Are you a writer or artist looking for an audience? Teacher, student or otherwise a member of the NIS community? The Purple Duck is your route to fame or notoriety – whichever you wish.

Send your written work to Mr.Hammond (standard font, size 12, Pages please) before the end of March. He will pass it to the editorial team who will make the final decisions about which work to include.

Please send (or bring for Airdropping) artwork in a digital format to Mr.Hammond, Maristella Witt or Michelle Lei.

Submissions must be in before 31st March to guarantee inclusion in this year’s magazine!

PD Logo cropped

ACAMIS Swim Meet Helpers – MYP C&S – Updated

Helpers fort he Swim meet are required for both Friday and Saturday. If you would like to help for Friday you will need to submit an OLF for the classes you are missing. Please sign up on C&S / CAS sign up link on Veracross.


University Visits

Manchester University Friday 6th March -TODAY!  When? Block 4 (12.00 – 1.00pm) Where? MYP LGR.
A visiting professor will give a Biology lecture to Gr10 and 11 students, followed by the Admissions representative discussing the UK admissions process and university life in general. Teachers of Grade 10 may take their classes if they wish to. Grade 11 students should all come.

MCPHS University (Massachusetts) Monday 9th March 9.15 @Cousenllors’ Office – Talks for prospective students on pharmacy, premed, nursing or other healthcare majors. Information on careers out there for students who chose to major in the health sciences. You must email me if you are interested in attending…

University of Sydney Friday 13th March 1.00pm – 2.00pm – MYP LGR
Meet Dean of Science, Professor Trevor Hambley as he gives a Lecture and presentation about the University

Mavericks Please

Hello all,

This is a friendly reminder that Nanjing International School currently supports the Mavericks OS for Mac until the end of the 2014-15 school year.

If you have upgraded to Yosemite and need to change it back to the previous operating system, please bring your computer to Ms. Jessie in the Macquarium or you can email


Mr. Johnson

World Universities Fair

The Fair is in Shanghai and starts at 5.30pm for students, and concludes at 8.30pm. I will be there earlier for Counsellor sessions, and will stay to guide you through your visit. You will need to miss at least Block 5 and lunch to make it on time, but I would suggest leaving school from Block 4…

Here’s the poster that’s been up for a week!  If you are going to University, than I think this is a MUST, as there will not be another Fair accessible to you this large and diverse! Please be clear – you must inform myself and Dr Saavedra that you will be going and you MUST complete an OLF. I will be there on the day and can meet you and guide your Fair experience, but I cannot assist with any travel arrangements. Please chat to others who are going – some are going with parents – and plan to travel together.
