Category: Student

G11 Global Citizenship Award – Self-nomination

A quick reminder to a G11 student:

Are you in Grade 11?
Are you conversant in at least two languages?
Do you understand the interdependence and interconnectedness of both human and ecological issues?
Do you demonstrate strong collaborative, problem-solving, listening, and consensus-building skills?
Do you strive to be well-informed on global issues?
Do you consistently demonstrate a sense of intrinsic voluntarism?
Do you exhibit extraordinary leadership skills?
Are committed to being an active participant in the coming year’s leadership responsibilities?
Are you in “good academic standing”?

Please fill in this form before Tuesday, March 28th, 4 pm if you meet the criteria above.

GCD stories

Students in G9, G10 and G11 are reminded AGAIN that their GCD stories for Semester 2 must be completed and submitted before May 22.

Sign up for an interview before all the time slots are gone.

Grade 9s need a total of 2 stories by May 22.

Grade 10s need a total of 4 stories by May 22.

Grade 11s need a total of 8 stories, 1 project and 5 outcomes.

GCD interview times



Songs of Inclusion

NIS Voices and Spaces is organizing a sound booth/listening booth for songs with inclusive messages. Contribute by adding your own favorite inclusive songs. Please make sure the songs are school appropriate (no profanities, swearing).


Click here!

Travel Documentation Update G5-12 Students

We need your travel documentation updated on OpenApply. Check with your parents that they have done this. If they haven’t, please help ASAP.

We need all the travel information for Discover China!!!!

If you have a Chinese/HK/Macau/Taiwan or Foreigner Resident Card, please upload that information. That is the ID you must use when travelling in China.

If you don’t have one of the ID cards mentioned above, please upload foreign passport information, along with a valid visa.

Questions? Stop by the Activities Office.


What to do now that CISSA Volleyball and Badminton are done?

I have the answer!!   CISSA & ACAMIS Track & Field!  Why not try some running, jumping and throwing out on the track? It is lots of fun! We will have trips to Shanghai for CISSA and to Suzhou for ACAMIS (for the older ones). Sign up on SchoolsBuddy and meet the coaches on the track on Mondays and Wednesdays at 3.15pm.

Volunteers G6-10

Volunteers are still needed for the invitational Football tournament this upcoming Saturday.

Please sign up on SchoolsBuddy!

Don’t miss G12 Junhao (Andy)’s interactive art at 12:30PM tomorrow!

Make sure to check out the Grade 12 DP Visual Art Exhibition before it closes on Friday, March 24th.

Tomorrow at 12:30, Andy will be showcasing one of his interactive artworks, which will only take around 5 minutes. Also, you can take a guided tour around his exhibition. Feel free to come and see it at dance studio on the 3rd floor. 

70 volunteers still needed – G6-10

Where is your NIS spirit??? Come volunteer and show your support for the ACAMIS Football teams at the same time!

This is an easy volunteering experience! Give the ball to the player and go get the other ball kicked out of bounds. Super super easy job!


Saturday, March 25th,

Choose your time on SchoolsBuddy.

Volunteers!!!! Have you completed your volunteering experience yet???

We need up to 100 volunteers to help at the Invitational Football Tournament on Saturday March 25th

Who: Grades 6-10

What: Ball Collectors – run and collect balls that are kicked out of bounds, out of play.

How: Sign up on SchoolsBuddy

Why: We need volunteers to give the balls back to players from both sides as quickly as possible.

Outcomes: Ethics or Commitment & Persistence or Challenge & New Skill, Strength & Growth.

Songs of Inclusion Listening Booth

NIS Voices and Spaces is organizing a sound booth/listening booth for songs with inclusive messages. Contribute by adding your own favorite inclusive songs. Please make sure the songs are school appropriate (no profanities, swearing).

Click here!

NIS DP Visual Arts Exhibition Continues until Mar. 24!

Don’t Miss it!!!

A huge THANK YOU to all those who made the time to come out and support our senior art students at the DP Visual Arts Exhibition Friday night. The exhibition was a huge success and we are forever grateful to have a community that believes in the value of Art education. Our students have worked so hard for the past two years so your presence meant a lot to us.

If you have not gotten a chance, please kindly remember to leave a positive comment for our talented artists in our Guest Book by scanning the QR code below (this is also posted everywhere in the exhibition for those of you who are planning to visit this week).

The exhibition will continue during school hours until this Friday, Mar. 24. It is at the Centre, 3F, within the main rooms just in front of the stairway/elevator, BUT also down the hall to the left (G11 artworks are also exhibited) and around the corner into the dance studio!