G9-12 Inter house badminton

It is on. The G9-12 inter house badminton competition is on this Friday lunch in the Gym. Please contact your house captains or leaders by Thursday lunch time if you would like to compete.

Life 101 Today


Grade 8 A:  Black Box

Grade 8 B: D 340

Grade 8 C: D 246

Grade 9: Drama Classroom

Grade 10: Above the Cafeteria

Grade 11:  Large Music Room

Grade 12:  Release to do course work – use your time wisely!

Accidental Theatre Company Auditions

The Accidental Theatre Company is looking for actors from Grades 9-11 for its up-coming production. This year’s offering will be the company’s fifth, and rides on the back of four very successful shows. Anyone interested in auditioning should come and see Mr Brown in the Black Box for an extract.

Auditions will be held Monday 29th January 1:00pm in the Black Box.

Performance date late April.

You had a go!

Yesterday was Have-a-go Monday, and, mostly, you did! You will continue with your chosen workshop on Thursday. It is not possible to change workshops at this stage. A wrong choice is your opportunity to fail forwards!

Today is Acceptance Tuesday-it’s OK to feel like you do when you fail at something. Don’t let those feelings stop you.

We had a go!

Huge thanks to workshop leaders for a successful Have-a-go Monday. Apart from a couple of publishing errors, and a few students changing their workshops, the activities were very well-received.

Today is Acceptance Tuesday, accepting the feelings that come with failure-take a look at the materials on the OneNote.

Continue to develop the Self-talk and Support-talk at every opportunity.

Grade 4 Living Migration Museum this Friday!

Visit the Grade 4 Living Migration Museum this Friday, January 26! This event takes place after morning break (11 am) at the foyer in front of the NIS Library!

Come and find out about each character’s migration experiences!

See you then!

Grade 4 Teachers

MOD of Jan. 27, 2018

Dear all,

The MOD of Jan. 27, 2018 is Kasson Bratton.

Best wishes,

Clara Xi

ACAMIS Service Learning Grants

ACAMIS Service Learning Grants have been established to provide financial support for student initiatives in service learning in China.

Awards are made to individuals or groups that require students to:

  • Apply academic, social and personal skills to support and improve the community;
  • Make decisions that will lead to authentic outcomes;
  • Grow as individuals and increase community engagement;
  • Gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their community, and society; and
  • Demonstrate their abilities while and through helping others.
Up to $2,500 USD may be awarded to successful individuals or groups. Application Due Date Feb 15th
If you are interested in applying for a grant please have a look at the ACAMIS website then contact me. NIS students have received 4 grants in previous years.
ACAMIS site: https://www.acamis.org/student-activities/service-learning-grant

Yoga, Pilates, Zumba,Basketball, Cross Fit and much more for Teachers and Staff

Dear All, Community activities cycle 2 sign-ups are open till 11 Pm Friday 26th, please see Veracross for available classes. As all sign-ups are running exclusevily through Veracross, please use your account to sign in, there will be no later sign-ups through CA office. You can get detailed information about the classes at CA office or blue boards by the reception as well.

Community Activities cycle 2 sign-ups

Dear Students, if you are considering joining Community activities, such as Badminton, Basketball, Volleyball, Jiu Jitsu, Cross Fit, Ballet for advanced on Saturdays or Touch Rugby on Sundays, please use your Veracross account to sing in. Sign-ups will be open until January 26th. This CA cycle runs from February 26th till June 14th. The sign-ups are running exclusively through Veracross, there will be no later sign-ups through CA office.

LUNCH: Wednesday, Jan 24, 3-way Conferences

Good morning,

Please see the lunch menu available for purchase in the Centre Cafe on Jan 24, 3-way conferences day:

Hot dishes: BBQ Pork ribs / Chicken Gordon Bleu / Spinach & Mushroom Quiche (vegetarian choice)

Choice of sandwiches and salad.

The snack bar in cafeteria will also be open during the day.