Tag: ManageBac

ManageBac Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

G6-10 students!

Please use some advisory time on Wednesday and Thursday to write up your MB entries.


  • Action
  • Benefit
    (Choose ONE outcome ONLY)


  • Change
  • Demonstration
  • Evidence (Photo!)

ManageBac will close on Saturday at 4 pm.

ManageBac Today 10.10

The SA/GCD section on ManageBac will reopen at 10.10 am today and close again at 10.55 am. (Wednesday, Jan 10) for Grade 6- 12 students.

This is the final chance to take action based on the feedback you have received via your advisor or from me via MB or email.

Unfortunately, there are no volunteering opportunities before the reports close. Lesson to be learned? Do your volunteering as early as possible!

Volunteers needed

Even if you have done your one volunteering experience, we still need you!!!

Sign up now on SchoolsBuddy for:

Wednesday – Modeling Clay – after school

Wednesday – Precious Plastics – after school

Wednesday – Front of House – evening

Thursday – Front of House – evening

Saturday – Basketball Scorekeepers – different times

ManageBac will close Dec 14th at 4 pm.


Volunteering, SA, GCD

G6-10 – Fill out your volunteering and SA entries on MB before Dec 14th, 4pm.

G9-12 – GCD stories must also be submitted:

Grade 12 – 10 stories + 1 project + 7 outcomes

Grade 11 – 6 stories + 3 outcomes

Grade 10 – 1 story

Grade 9 – 1 story

ManageBac Deadline – Volunteering and SA

This is another reminder that ManageBac will close on Dec 14th at 4pm.

For students in grades 6-10, please have a look in ManageBac under IB Manager -> Files to see how to upload entries for Volunteering and Service as Action.

If you have questions, please stop by D229 or the Activities Office

December 14th, 4.00 pm

ManageBac will close for all students in the secondary school!

  • Students in Grades 6-10 must have completed their volunteering and written it up on ManageBac. Look up Files in MB for info on how to complete your reflection.
  • Service as Action for grades 6-10 must all be completed by this date. Reflection must be uploaded onto ManageBac.
  • GCD stories for students in grades 9-12 are due as well.

Questions? Help? Please find Ms Anna as soon as possible. If you email her, please tell her what grade you are in.

ManageBac Monday!

Hi there!

Monday = ManageBac Monday.

It’ll take you about 10 minutes to write up your volunteering experience. Remember you need only ONE volunteering experience for each semester. MB does not support HEIC files, please add JPEG or PNG photos as your evidence.

You can information on how to upload on MB under files.

If you need help, stop by D229 or email Ms Anna (and tell her what grade you are in so she can find your entry a bit faster).

One Sleep to Go!

To all grade 6-12 students,

ManageBac will close on Wednesday, Dec 15th at 4pm.

Please ensure it is filled out correctly.