Tag: volunteering

SCISAC Volleyball Volunteers

If you are interested in scorekeeping for volleyball, please sign up on SchoolsBuddy. There are many shifts. Some require missing class time and some do not.

For the shifts that are during class time, please sign up for Thursday or Friday and the Activities Office will choose the time.

Thursday, Feb 29th

  • 10:30 – 11:45
  • 11:45 – 1:00
  • 2:00 – 3:15

Friday, Mar 1st

  • 9:00 – 10:15
  • 10:15 – 11:30
  • 11:30 – 12:45
  • 1:30 – 2:45

If you prefer not to miss classes, you can choose other shifts. Just have a look at SchoolsBuddy.

Thursday, Feb 29th

  • 3.15 – 4.30
  • 4.30 – 5.45

Friday, Mar 1st

  • 2.45 – 4.00

Saturday, Mar 2nd

  • 9:00 – 10:15
  • 10:15 – 11:30
  • 11:30 – 12:45
  • 12.45 – 2:00
  • 2.30 – 4.00
  • 4.00 – 5.15

Volunteers!!!! Have you completed your volunteering experience yet???

We need up to 100 volunteers to help at the Invitational Football Tournament on Saturday March 25th

Who: Grades 6-10

What: Ball Collectors – run and collect balls that are kicked out of bounds, out of play.

How: Sign up on SchoolsBuddy

Why: We need volunteers to give the balls back to players from both sides as quickly as possible.

Outcomes: Ethics or Commitment & Persistence or Challenge & New Skill, Strength & Growth.

100 Volunteers needed!!!

We need up to 100 volunteers to help at the Invitational Football Tournament.

Who: Grades 6-10

What: Ball Collectors – run and collect balls that are kicked out of bounds, out of play.

Where: NIS

When: Saturday, March 25th

How: Sign up on SchoolsBuddy

Why: We need volunteers to give the balls back to players from both sides as quickly as possible.

Outcomes: Ethics or Commitment & Persistence or Challenge & New Skill, Strength & Growth.

Have you met your Volunteering requirement yet for Semester 2?

Sign up on SchoolsBuddy to help at the Swim Meet on Saturday the 11th or Sunday the 12th.

Depending on your responsibility, you could achieve one of the following outcomes. ONE. ONE OUTCOME.

  • Ethics – You were honest in timekeeping. You started and stopped the stopwatch at the right time. The time on the stopwatch was almost always the same as the time on the board.
  • Collaboration – You had to work with another person. You and your partner took turns in marshalling the swimmers. You talked and decided who was going to walk the swimmers to the pool. You worked with the person calling the names or maybe you went to find the missing swimmers.
  • Commitment and Perseverance – You stayed for the whole 2.5 hours. It was a long day. Maybe it was hot and humid. You worked the whole time. Maybe you had to stand the whole time. How many steps did you walk? You finished the shift even though you were tired.

Leadership Opportunities for Grades 9-11

A few groups are recruiting new members:

  • NISSAC -NIS Student Activities Committee – Contact Yerin (G11)
  • GCD Steering Committee – Contact Sofia (G11)
  • NISSCB – NIS Student Community Bank – Contact Rachel (G11)
  • ACCORD Magazine – Contact FayFay (G12)

These experiences not only count for volunteering but could also be used for your GCD stories (Leadership, Management, Community Engagement, Multilingualism, Artistic Expression, Personal Goal, and Public Communication to name a few).

These experiences could also be critical to your university applications. Show us who you are outside of the classroom, and showcase your leadership skills and community involvement.

Join NOW! Get involved NOW!

Don’t wait until S1 of Grade 12.

Leadership Opportunites for students in Grades 9-11

A few groups are recruiting new members:

  • NISSAC -NIS Student Activities Committee – Contact Yerin (G11)
  • GCD Steering Committee – Contact Sofia (G11)
  • NISSCB – NIS Student Community Bank – Contact Rachel (G11)
  • ACCORD Magazine – Contact FayFay (G12)

These experiences not only count for volunteering but could also be used for your GCD stories (Leadership, Management, Community Engagement, Multilingualism, Artistic Expression, Personal Goal, and Public Communication to name a few).

These experiences could also be critical to your university applications. Show us who you are outside of the classroom, and showcase your leadership skills and community involvement.

Join NOW! Get involved NOW!

Don’t wait until S1 of Grade 12.




Swim Meet Volunteers February 11-12th G6-10

Please sign up on SchoolsBuddy to help at the SSL Swim Round Three.

Volunteers are needed as runners, timekeepers or ribbon distributors. The jobs are as follows:

Runners: Lead the swimmers from the blue gym to the pool when it’s their turn.

Timekeepers: Use a stopwatch to record the swimmers’ times.

Ribbon distributors: Hand out ribbons to the winners of each heat.

Possible outcomes (choose only ONE!!!)

ethics – because you are starting and stopping the stopwatch on time and not cheating.

collaboration – working with the announcers to get the right swimmers to the pool at the right time.

commitment and perseverance – 3.5 hours is a long time, maybe you have to stand up the whole time or it’s hot or you struggle to talk to strangers (you will have to talk to the swimmers to ask them their names to make sure you have the right people.)

Saturday February 11th

Session #1: 9.00-12.30

Session#2: 13.30-17.00

Sunday February 12th

Session#3: 8.00-11.30

Scorekeepers needed Wed Dec 14th

Volunteers needed to score keep at a friendly basketball game on Wednesday Dec 14th. It’ll probably start after 4 pm. Sign up on SchoolsBuddy

G9-12 Volunteers for the Winter Charity Festival

Twenty G9-12 Volunteers are needed to help at the Winter Charity Festival.

Sunday, Dec 11th

1.45 pm to 4.15 pm

Sign up on SchoolsBuddy to help sell cakes, honey, and other handmade products.

Possible outcomes: collaboration, commitment & perseverance, ethics, global engagement or challenge & new skill.

Last chance to meet Volunteering Requirement

Have you completed your ONE required volunteering experience yet?

We have only a handful of experiences left:

Props + Costumes clean-up

Basketball Scorekeeping

Football Boots Charity Stall

Winter Concert Decorators

Please visit SchoolsBuddy to sign up.

Volunteers needed

Even if you have done your one volunteering experience, we still need you!!!

Sign up now on SchoolsBuddy for:

Wednesday – Modeling Clay – after school

Wednesday – Precious Plastics – after school

Wednesday – Front of House – evening

Thursday – Front of House – evening

Saturday – Basketball Scorekeepers – different times

ManageBac will close Dec 14th at 4 pm.