We need a lot of volunteers to help with the triathlon. We need lap counters: pool, lap counters: bike, lap counters: run and support in both transition areas.
Sign up on SchoolsBuddy.
Shift 1: 7.45 am – 10.15 am
Shift 2: 9.45 am – 12.15 pm
We need a lot of volunteers to help with the triathlon. We need lap counters: pool, lap counters: bike, lap counters: run and support in both transition areas.
Sign up on SchoolsBuddy.
Shift 1: 7.45 am – 10.15 am
Shift 2: 9.45 am – 12.15 pm
Apologies for the late notice. The following students have signed up to help with the MUN conference on Friday the 13th and Saturday the 14th. They will miss all their classes on Friday.
Yoojin, Xavier, Nicole, Carolina, Dongha, Da Eun, Sihyeon, Zoey, Jimin, Haju, Suin, Seongmin and Donggeun.
They have been told to check on ManageBac or with the teacher for all missed class work and home learning tasks.