Patterns of Resource Consumption



1    The measure of humanity’s demands on the natural environment devised in 1990 by Wackernagal and Rees is the:
A    socio-economic footprint
B    Human Development Index
C    environment index
D    ecological footprint

2    The capacity of an ecosystem to generate an ongoing supply of resources and to absorb its wastes is known as:
A    biocapacity
B    ecological capacity
C    environmental capacity
D    carbon capacity

3    One hectare of biologically productive space with world average productivity is:
A    a world hectare
B    a continental hectare
C    a global hectare
D    an imperial hectare

4    Which group of countries has the highest carbon footprint?
A    least developed countries
B    newly industrialised countries
C    developed countries
D    developing countries

5    What is said to occur when humanity’s demand on nature exceeds the biosphere’s regenerative capacity?
A    excess demand
B    overshoot
C    over-supply
D    environmental excess

6    The considerable increase in food production due to high-yielding variety seed programmes is known as the:
A    Farming Revolution
B    Technological Revolution
C    Seed Revolution
D    Green Revolution

7    The idea of optimum population has been mainly understood from the point of view of:
A    economics
B    politics
C    sociology
D    history

8    Resource pessimists are often referred to as:
A    neo-fascists
B    neo-liberals
C    neo-conservatives
D    neo-Malthusians

9    The relative contribution of different energy sources to a country’s energy consumption/production is known as its:
A    energy compound
B    energy package
C    energy mix
D    energy product

10    At one time all of Britain’s trains were powered by:
A    coal
B    oil
C    gas
D    hydro-electricity

11    Which energy source contributes most to global energy consumption?
A    coal
B    oil
C    gas
D    hydro-electricity

12    The relative importance of hydro-electricity is greatest in:
A    Asia
B    Europe
C    North America
D    South and Central America

13    The Middle East accounts for approximately what proportion of global proved oil reserves?
A    20%
B    40%
C    60%
D    80%
14    Energy consumption is rising at the fastest rate in:
A    developed countries
B    newly industrialised countries
C    developing countries
D    least developed countries

15    The organisation whose prime concern is predicting the peak of global oil production is:
D    WTO

16    Which is the world’s second largest oil-producing country, after Saudi Arabia?
A    USA
B    Iran
C    China
D    Russia

17    Gas flaring in which energy location is the world’s single largest source of greenhouse gas emissions?
A    Niger delta
B    Gulf of Mexico
C    Persian Gulf
D    Venezuela

18    Which country leads the world in the use of nuclear electricity?
A    Russia
B    France
C    USA
D    Germany
19    In 2007 the world leader in wind energy capacity was:
A    USA
B    China
C    the UK
D    Germany

20    The largest producers of ethanol in the world are:
A    the USA and Brazil
B    Australia and South Africa
C    Germany and France
D    China and India

21    The world leader in geothermal electricity is:
A    New Zealand
B    the USA
C    Iceland
D    Chile

22    Approximately how many people in developing countries rely on fuelwood, charcoal and animal dung for cooking?
A    1 billion
B    1.5 billion
C    2 billion
D    2.5 billion

23    Which country overtook Japan as the world’s second largest user of oil in 2004?
A    Russia
B    China
C    India
D    Brazil
24    Coal mined in China accounts for what percentage of the world total?
A    22.5%
B    32.5%
C    42.5%
D    52.5%

25    It has been estimated that China will take over from the USA as the world’s largest consumer of oil in:
A    2025
B    2035
C    2045
D    2055

26    The only utility-scale tidal power system in the world is in:
A    France
B    Spain
C    Canada
D    the USA

27    The Three Gorges Dam is located along which river?
A    Pearl
B    Yangtze
C    Yellow
D    Songhua

28    The total cost of the Three Gorges Dam has been estimated at:
A    $10 billion
B    $30 billion
C    $50 billion
D    $70 billion
29    Of the five traditional sources of energy, which contributes the least to China’s energy consumption?
A    nuclear energy
B    natural gas
C    hydro-electricity
D    oil

30    Which of the following countries is not a member of OPEC?
A    Saudi Arabia
B    Nigeria
C    Venezuela
D    Norway

31    Supply routes between energy producers and consumers are known as:
A    energy routes
B    energy pathways
C    energy corridors
D    lines of energy

32    Canada’s large deposits of oil sands are in:
A    Alberta
B    British Columbia
C    Ontario
D    Quebec

33    The Falkland Islands are in the:
A    Pacific Ocean
B    South Atlantic Ocean
C    Indian Ocean
D    North Atlantic Ocean
34    The rate at which temperature rises as depth below the surface increases is the:
A    temperature gradient
B    sub-surface gradient
C    geothermal gradient
D    geological gradient

35    How many people will the Three Gorges Dam protect from flooding?
A    1 million
B    5 million
C    10 million
D    15 million

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