PPP 4 Boxes: A new and improved document (week 5)

Dear PPP students,

We have redesigned the 4 Boxes document. Please start using it from now on.  It may take a few minutes but the time invested will allow you to reflect on the quality and the level of alignment.

Use that document when you meet your supervisor for your next weekly visit.

Keep all documents and changes in your journal.

PPP 4 Boxes 1314 Final



Supervisor’s Tips  (have a look students)

1. Best TIP: A clear goal is crucial!  Students have completed their initial planning when they get their “4 boxes” officially approved by a mentor.  Coming up with a clear goal will lead to focus and success. This is the next logical step.   The goal has to be fully aligned with the ideas of the “4 boxes”.  The rest of the journey is greatly affected by the clarity of the goal.

2.  Your student is using the Guide to the Personal Project (available on blog).

3.  Your student maintains a detailed Process Journal with all required components. (See category Process journal on blog)

4.  Refer to the assessment criteria when you communicate with your student.

5.  Refer to step by step sequence of PPP (see guide P. 17)

6.  Encourage your student at every meeting.  There is always something positive to notice. Remind them what they do well.

7.  When in doubt or unsure, consult with mentor PPP teacher about an issue or send your student for a consult or second opinion.

8. Provide more feedback and refrain advising student what to do.

“4 Boxes” and first meeting with supervisor (Week 4)

1. Contact your supervisor and plan a first meeting

2. Meet supervisor: show your documents:  “4 boxes” and journal idea or concept.

3.  “4 Boxes” include: Topic. AoI, PPP Question and Possible Project.

4. Receive feedback.

5. Plan next meeting with supervisor.

6.  Contact  Mentor of your choice for “Permission to Continue”  stamp.

– A “stamp” is obtained only  when “4 boxes are clearly aligned.

– Mentors are: Ms Tyoschin, Mr Messom, Ms Keus, Mr Morin, Ms Rinker

7. Meet mentor and show your documents: ” 4 boxes” and journal

8.  Receive Permission to continue Stamp

9. Continue the process