Week 15: Successful Students

At this point successful students:

– are either creating their product or have a clear plan about when and how creation will take place
– have a detailed Process Journal including all their accomplished work so far (Process Journal)
– have a variety of analyzed and anotated  sources related to their project (Select sources)
– have a number of ideas, influence, techniques which will impact the creation of their product or themselves as a person (Apply Information)
– have their AoI and goal in mind and have it clearly showing in their Process Journal and their entire project

Creation: Making your product

During the Creation phase students are required to maintain their Process Journal with detailed and reflective entries.  It is also a time to pull out your specifications and try to respect them. The creation of your product is helping you achieve your goal.

D: Apply Information could be improve or define during Creation if it is not already completed.  Here are some paragraph starters to help you:

“These two sources contain contradicting information. I will need to determine why… First I will… ”
“Since I have learned that… (some information), this affects my project because … ”
“Based on my research, the following factors are most central in creating my product because… ”
“One way for me to test this (information) is to … (outline steps).”
“Before doing my research, I hadn’t realised that … (some information). This means that I will … ” (identify and explain some action you will take).

 Remember that you need to apply information identified from your specific sources or from other sources that you will add to your reference list. 


Apply Information

As you work on your project, you need to demonstrate that you are applying your what you have learned in your research.

As you continue to collect information and reach a wide variety of sources, take note in your process journal:

-Of Influence from sources that will impact the way you achieve your goal and create your product.

-Ideas or techniques that you will use during your process.


Here is the descriptor of the highest band level:

The student demonstrates well-developed transfer and application of information to make decisions, create solutions and develop understandings in connection with the
projectʼs goal.

Here are some paragraph starters that might get you thinking…

“These two sources contain contradicting information. I will need to determine why… First I will… ”
“Since I have learned that… (some information), this affects my project because … ”
“Based on my research, the following factors are most central in creating my product because… ”
“One way for me to test this (information) is to … (outline steps).”
“Before doing my research, I hadn’t realised that … (some information). This means that I will … ” (identify and explain some action you will take).

Mr Morin and Mrs. Tyoschina

The Process

This is about the creative process, but can easily include research. The process you go through with the PPP is an extremely iterative one that takes you along many different journeys. You may have already encountered this, but below is an excellent infographic which depicts the possible “states of mind” that you might go through! Where are you on this right now? Just remember, it’s normal!
